All Stories

  1. Bringing Women into the Agonistic Sphere
  2. V.1 Epigraphic research on Nemrud Dağı
  3. WHAT IS A FESTIVAL? - (J.R.) Brandt, (J.W.) Iddeng (edd.) Greek and Roman Festivals. Content, Meaning, and Practice. Pp. xviii + 405, ills, maps. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. Cased, £85, US$160. ISBN: 978-0-19-969609-3.
  4. Organisation, L’organisation des spectacles dans le monde Romain. Huit exposés suivis de discussions par Johannes Nollé, Onno M. van Nijf, Christina Kokkinia et al. Introduction de Kathleen Coleman et Jocelyne Nelis-Clément. Entretiens préparés par Kat...
  5. Burgerspiegels in de premoderne stad - Introductie
  6. Ceremonies, Athletics and the City: Some Remarks on the Social Imaginary of the Greek City of the Hellenistic Period
  7. Agonistic festivals, Roman Empire
  8. Reviews of Books
  9. Athletics and paideia: Festivals and physical education in the world of the Second Sophistic
  10. Local heroes: athletics, festivals and elite self-fashioning in the Roman East
  11. Poor Show
  13. P. Herrmann: Inschriften von Milet, Teil 2, Inschriften n. 407–1019. Pp. xii + 166, 348 ills. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1998. Cased, DM 298. ISBN: 3-11-015092-1.
  14. Athletics, festivals and Greek identity in the Roman east
  15. WOLFGANG DECKER, Sport in der griechischen Antike. Vom minoischen Wettkampf bis zu den Olympischen Spielen. München, G.H. Beck Verlag, 1995. 255 p. Pr. Dm 60,–
  16. SUSAN E. ALCOCK, Graecia Capta. The Landscapes of Roman Greece. Cambridge, University Press, 1993. XXI, 307 p. Pr. £ 40,—.
  17. The Emporion - A. Bresson, P. Rouillard (edd.): l̛Emporion. (Publications du centre Pierre Paris [URA 991], 26.) Pp. 248; 8 illustrations. Paris: Diffusion De Boccard, 1993. Cased.
  18. (P.) Schmitt-Pantel La Cité au banquet. Histoire des repas publics dans les cités grecques.Rome: Ecole Française, 1992. Pp. xi + 585 + illus. PNS.
  19. Trade, Transport and Society in the Ancient World: A Sourcebook
  20. O. MURRAY & S. PRICE (eds.), The Greek City. From Homer to Alexander. Oxford, OUP, 1990. XV, 372 p. Pr. £ 40,-. J. RICH & A. WALLACE-HADRILL (eds.), City and Country in the Ancient World (Leicester and Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society, 2)....