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  1. Curvas esfuerzo-deformación axial calculadas para las especies de bambú Guadua Angustifolia Kunth y Bambusa Oldhamii
  2. Remotely sensed albedo allows the identification of two ecosystem states along aridity gradients in Africa
  3. Albedo estimated from remote sensing correlates with ecosystem multifunctionality in global drylands
  4. Evaluating the performance of remote sensed rain-use efficiency as an indicator of ecosystem functioning in semi-arid ecosystems
  5. Evaluation of the consistency of the three MRPV model parameters provided by the MISR level 2 land surface products: a case study in Mainland Spain
  6. Thresholding Algorithm Optimization for Change Detection to Satellite Imagery
  7. Topographic Correction to Landsat Imagery through Slope Classification by Applying the SCS + C Method in Mountainous Forest Areas
  8. Applying the chi-square transformation and automatic secant thresholding to Landsat imagery as unsupervised change detection methods