All Stories

  1. Immunobullous diseases, prothrombotic state, and COVID ‐19: Role of prophylactic anticoagulation in bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus
  2. Bullous lesions in diabetes mellitus: bullous diabeticorum (diabetic bulla)
  3. Immunotherapy of anogenital warts with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine
  4. COVID-19, syphilis, and biologic therapies for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: A word of caution
  5. Lichenoid psoriasis: A distinct morphological entity
  6. Porokeratotic lichen planus
  7. Porokeratotischer Lichen planus
  8. Umbilicated Lesions in a de novo case of histoid leprosy
  9. Zentral eingedellte Läsionen bei einer de novo histoiden Lepra
  10. Lightening Becker nevus: Role of topical therapies
  11. Transepidermal elimination: Role in leprosy transmission
  12. Secondary diabetes mellitus in pemphigus vulgaris and management issues
  13. Tinea pseudoimbricata: A striking “ring-within-a-ring” form of corticosteroid-modified dermatophytosis
  14. Occlusion therapy in inflammatory cutaneous diseases
  15. Syphilis screening before initiation of immunosuppressive and biologic therapy for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
  16. Bazex-Dupré-Christol syndrome: First report in an Indian family
  17. Aceclofenac-induced erythema annulare centrifugum
  18. H Syndrome: A case report and review of literature
  19. Pachyonychia congenita: Brief appraisal of history and current classification
  20. Images
  21. A 6-Year-Old Girl with Painful Rash on her Left Lower Extremity
  22. Posters
  23. A case of Becker's nevus with pityriasis versicolor
  24. Blood-filled blister in the oral cavity: Angina bullosa hemorrhagica
  25. Drug treatment of acne
  26. "Psychosis and Escherichia coli infection: A forgotten issue": Our observation
  27. New avenues in management of trichotillomania
  28. Lithium‐induced psoriasis
  29. Treatment of delusional infestation with olanzapine