All Stories

  1. Knowledge, awareness, and practices of complementary and alternative medicine for oral health-care management among dental students
  2. Hyperparathyroidism in dentistry: Issues and challenges!!
  3. Homeopathy in dentistry: Is there a role?
  4. Ectodermal dysplasia
  5. Natal and neonatal teeth: Terminologies with diverse superstitions!!
  6. Facial palsy, a disorder belonging to influential neurological dynasty: Review of literature
  7. Miraculous honey: A sweet and valuable remedy in dentistry!!
  8. Myths and misconceptions in general public toward ocular complications followed by the removal of upper teeth
  9. Optimization of complex dental status of patients with hemodialysis and renal transplantation
  10. Hazardous waste from dental radiology
  11. Oral hemangioma or vascular malformation: Different entities!
  12. Taos of late 50: A review on postmenopausal oral discomfort in women
  13. Mouth on fire: Oral discomfort in postmenopausal women may be surprising!!
  14. Like appendix like third molars: Vestigial organs?
  15. Atypical facial pain: Is it still a diagnostic wastebasket?
  16. Yoga: A good way for dentists to relieve stress
  17. Oral discomfort: An often overlooked symptom of menopause?
  18. Vaccines, the tugboats of preventive health: Immunization for dentists
  19. Home Remedies for Toothaches-Myths and Consequences
  20. What to expect when expecting: Oral health care during pregnancy