All Stories

  1. Response of the waterbird community to floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides ) cover at Ngamo dam, Antelope Park, Zimbabwe.
  2. Use of mistletoes by the Grey Go-away-bird (Corythaixoides concolor , Musophagidae) in a semi-arid savannah, south-west Zimbabwe
  3. Termitaria as preferred browsing patches for black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in Chipinge Safari Area, Zimbabwe
  4. Decomposition and nutrient release patterns of mistletoe litters in a semi‐arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  5. The influence of mistletoes on the litter-layer arthropod abundance and diversity in a semi-arid savanna, Southwest Zimbabwe
  6. The influence of mistletoes on nutrient cycling in a semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  7. Evaluation of potential and effective rumen digestion of mistletoe species and woody species browsed by goats in a semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  8. The influence of mistletoes on nitrogen cycling in a semi-arid savanna, south-west Zimbabwe
  9. Nutritive value and digestibility of mistletoes and woody species browsed by goats in a semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  10. Patterns of mistletoe infection in four Acacia species in a semi-arid southern African savanna
  11. Bark stripping by chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) as a possible prophylactic measure in a pine plantation in eastern Zimbabwe
  12. The influence of pool size on species diversity and water chemistry in temporary rock pools on Domboshawa Mountain, northern Zimbabwe