All Stories

  1. Contextualizing the Contextualizers: How the Area Studies Controversy is Different in Different Places
  2. Shrinking Civic Spaces as a complex challenge to human rights and peace
  3. Conflictividad, (des)confianza y pluralismo jurídico en la región andina
  4. Human Rights Movements across Latin America
  5. Lockdown of expression: civic space restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic as a response to mass protests
  6. The EU Response to Foreign Interference: Legal Issues and Political Risks
  7. Practices of Policy Orientation: A Study of the Heterogeneous Field of Democracy Promotion Research
  8. Local Competitive Authoritarianism and Post-Conflict Violence. An Analysis of the Assassination of Social Leaders in Colombia
  9. Pathways of post-conflict violence in Colombia
  10. From the Varieties of Democracy to the defense of liberal democracy: V-Dem and the reconstitution of liberal hegemony under threat
  11. Defending Civic Space: Successful Resistance Against NGO Laws in Kenya and Kyrgyzstan
  12. Die Corona-Pandemie als Bedrohung zivilgesellschaftlicher Handlungsspielräume
  13. COVID-19 and shrinking civic spaces: patterns and consequences
  14. Democracy
  15. The Turbulent End of an Era in Bolivia: Contested Elections, the Ouster of Evo Morales, and the Beginning of a Transition Towards an Uncertain Future
  16. Socioeconomic Protests in MENA and Latin America
  17. The political economy of post-neoliberalism in Bolivia: Policies, elites, and the MAS government
  18. From driver of change to marginalised actor: organised labour in post-revolutionary Egypt from a comparative perspective
  19. Towards violent peace? Territorial dynamics of violence in Tumaco (Colombia) before and after the demobilisation of the FARC-EP
  20. Introduction: negotiating the promotion of democracy
  21. Beyond contestation: conceptualizing negotiation in democracy promotion
  22. Negotiating international civil society support: the case of Ethiopia’s 2009 Charities and Societies Proclamation
  23. Argentina - The Right to the City: Popular Contention in Contemporary Buenos Aires. By Gabriela Ippolito-O'Donnell. Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 2011. Pp. 320. $38.00 paper.
  24. Ecuador after Correa: The Struggle over the “Citizens' Revolution”
  25. Lawrence C. Heilman, USAID in Bolivia: Partner or Patrón? Boulder: FirstForum Press, 2017. Appendixes, chronology, tables, bibliography, index, 346 pp.; hardcover $85, ebook $85.
  26. Political incorporation in measures of democracy: a missing dimension (and the case of Bolivia)
  27. Democracy promotion, empowerment, and self-determination: conflicting objectives in US and German policies towards Bolivia
  28. Norm contestation in the global debate about restrictions on international civil society support
  29. Interests and Norms in International Democracy Promotion
  30. Juan Pablo Luna and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser (eds), The Resilience of the Latin American Right, reviewed by Jonas WolffLunaJuan PabloKaltwasserCristóbal Rovira (eds), The Resilience of the Latin American Right, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Pr...
  31. Reflections on the contestation of resource extraction
  32. Piqueteros after the Hype: Unemployed Movements in Argentina, 2008-2015
  33. The changing relationship between economic elites and the leftist governments of Bolivia and Ecuador
  34. Negotiating interference: US democracy promotion, Bolivia and the tale of a failed agreement
  35. Peacebuilding and democracy promotion
  36. On the contestation of liberal norms and democracy in international relations
  37. Rinke, Bernhard, Christiane Lammers, Reinhard Meyers und Georg Simonis, Hrsg. 2014. Interventionen Revisited. Friedensethik und Humanitäre Interventionen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 343 S., € 39,99.
  38. Power in Democracy Promotion
  39. Latin American Inspirations for Post-Liberal Peacebuilding
  40. The Resilience of the Latin American Right
  41. The Rwandan Genocide in the Justification of Humanitarian Intervention
  42. Making constitutions. Presidents, parties, and institutional choice in Latin America, by Gabriel L. Negretto
  43. Neil A. Burron, The New Democracy Wars: The Politics of North American Democracy Promotion in the Americas (Farnham, UK, and Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012), pp. xxi+185, £55.00, hb.
  44. From the Unity of Goodness to Conflicting Objectives: The Inherent Tensions in the External Promotion of Democracy and Civil Society
  45. German Foreign Policy, Democracy Promotion and Civilian Power
  46. Justice conflicts and interaction in democracy promotion
  47. The Comparative International Politics of Democracy Promotion
  48. Post-Liberal Democracy in Bolivia
  49. US and German democracy promotion in Bolivia
  50. Normen und Interessen in der internationalen Demokratieförderung
  51. Frieden trotz Umbruch in Boliviens "demokratischer Revolution"
  52. Weniger Ungleichheit durch postliberale Demokratie? Eine Analyse mit Blick auf Bolivien
  53. 1. Bestimmungsfaktoren und Zielkonflikte der Demokratieförderung: Die Forschungsagenda
  54. 3. Norm versus Interesse: Die Bestimmungsfaktoren im Überblick
  55. 4. Bolivien: Zum Umgang mit der »demokratischen Revolution« des Evo Morales
  56. 5. Ecuador: Zum Umgang mit der »Bürgerrevolution« des Rafael Correa
  57. 10. Demokratieförderung als reflexive Politik: Vergleichende Analyse, theoretische und praktische Implikationen
  58. Die politische Ökonomie des inneren Demokratischen Friedens in Argentinien und Ecuador
  59. Demokratie in Bewegung. Neue soziale Bewegungen und die umkämpfte Demokratisierung der Demokratie in Argentinien, Bolivien und Ecuador
  60. 2. »Freiheitskämpfer« versus »Zivilmacht«: Die USA und Deutschland im idealtypischen Vergleich
  61. Wehr, Ingrid, und Hans-Jürgen Burchardt (Hrsg.). Soziale Ungleichheiten in Lateinamerika. Neue Perspektiven auf Wirtschaft, Politik und Umwelt.
  62. Deutschland, Afghanistan und der demokratische Krieg
  63. Theorizing international democracy promotion
  64. Sammelband zum neuen Forschungsprogramm der HSFK "Just Peace Governance"
  65. Deutschland, Afghanistan und der demokratische Krieg
  66. Einleitung
  67. Vorwort
  68. Frieden first: Das Werk von Harald Müller auf dem Weg zu »Just Peace Governance«
  69. Cognitive Maps in Process-Tracing
  71. Die neuen, postneoliberalen Verfassungen Boliviens und Ecuadors
  72. Umbruch in Bolivien. Vom Zusammenbruch der “paktierten Demokratie” zur Regierung Morales
  73. Kommentar zum Beitrag von Vinay Jawahar
  74. Understanding the Democratic Civil Peace in Argentina and Ecuador
  75. Cognitive Maps in Prozessanalysen
  76. Boliviens neue Verfassung: Ein demokratietheoretischer Kommentar
  77. Studie zur erstaunlichen Stabilität der Demokratie in Südamerika
  78. The Mobilisation and Demobilisation of Social Movements in Latin America
  79. Demokratischer Frieden, Demokratischer Krieg und das Projekt globaler Demokratisierung. Hegemonietheoretische Überlegungen aus neo-gramscianischer Perspektive
  80. Democratic Peace: Many Data, Little Explanation?
  81. Social exclusion and democracy in Latin America, and the Argentine crisis
  82. The Inherent Tensions in International Democracy Promotion