All Stories

  1. Introduction: what are alternations and how should we study them?
  2. What Cognitive Linguistics can learn from dialectology (and vice versa)
  3. Cognitive Sociolinguistics Revisited
  4. Indestructible Insights
  5. Linking Linguistic and Geographic Distance in Four Semantic Domains: Computational Geo-Analyses of Internal and External Factors in a Dialect Continuum
  6. Interesting Fellow or Tough Old Bird?
  7. Null se constructions in Brazilian and European Portuguese: Morphosyntactic deletion or emergence of new constructions?
  8. New -way(s) with -ward(s): lexicalization, splitting and sociolinguistic patterns
  9. Extending the Scope of Lectometry
  10. Maps, meanings and loanwords: The interaction of geography and semantics in lexical borrowing
  11. Concept characteristics and variation in lexical diversity in two Dutch dialect areas
  12. 1. Botany meets lexicology: The relationship between experiential salience and lexical diversity
  13. Let's Agree to Disagree. (Variation in) the Assignment of Gender to Nominal Anglicisms in Dutch
  14. Toward more accountability: Modeling ternary genitive variation in Late Modern English