All Stories

  1. Manifesto for a more sustainable future for work and organizational psychology
  2. Leadership, groups, and task uncertainty
  3. We study how emotions generated at work influence on employee's attitudes and behaviour
  4. Teamwork: Assessment of teamwork competence in higher education
  5. Flow at Work
  6. Interest as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Challenge/Skills Balance and Flow at Work: An Analysis at Within-Individual Level
  7. Relaciones asimétricas entre atribuciones y afecto en el trabajo
  8. Desarrollo y desempeño en equipos de proyecto: validez incremental de la escala de desarrollo grupal
  9. Taking time seriously: Changing practices and perspectives in Work/Organizational Psychology
  10. What distinguish teams from social aggregates? A tool to assess the group development
  11. Daily work events and state work engagement: the mediating role of affect / Eventos diarios ywork engagement: el rol mediador del afecto
  12. A Markov Chain Analysis of Emotional Exchange in Voice-to-Voice Communication: Testing for the Mimicry Hypothesis of Emotional Contagion
  13. Predicting the dynamic criteria of basketball players: The influence of the ‘Big Five’, job experience, and motivation
  14. Chaotic dynamics and team effectiveness: Evidence from professional basketball
  15. ‘Suddenly I get into the zone’: Examining discontinuities and nonlinear changes in flow experiences at work
  16. Flow Diary
  17. Dynamic patterns of flow in the workplace: Characterizing within-individual variability using a complexity science approach
  18. Dinámicas complejas en el flujo: diferencias entre trabajo y no trabajo
  19. Un modelo integrado de motivación laboral aplicado a una mestra multicultural
  20. Chaos in Human Behavior: The Case of Work Motivation
  21. Healthy Variability: Chaos in Productive Organizational Behaviour
  22. Dynamics of Flow: A Nonlinear Perspective
  23. Criteria for Assessing the Level of Group Development (LGD) of Work Groups
  24. Incertidumbre de las tareas de grupo. Propuesta de un modelo y validación empírica