All Stories

  1. Membrane remodeling properties of the Parkinson’s disease protein LRRK2
  2. Proximity proteomics of synaptopodin provides insight into the molecular composition of the spine apparatus of dendritic spines
  3. A partnership between the lipid scramblase XK and the lipid transfer protein VPS13A at the plasma membrane
  4. In situ architecture of the lipid transport protein VPS13C at ER–lysosome membrane contacts
  5. Ca 2+ releases E‐Syt1 autoinhibition to couple ER‐plasma membrane tethering with lipid transport
  6. Loss of Dynamin 2 GTPase function results in microcytic anaemia
  7. Kidney Tubular Ablation of Ocrl / Inpp5b Phenocopies Lowe Syndrome Tubulopathy
  8. Plasticity of PI4KIII  interactions at the plasma membrane
  9. Epsin deficiency impairs endocytosis by stalling the actin-dependent invagination of endocytic clathrin-coated pits
  10. A role of OCRL in clathrin-coated pit dynamics and uncoating revealed by studies of Lowe syndrome cells
  11. A dynamin 1-, dynamin 3- and clathrin-independent pathway of synaptic vesicle recycling mediated by bulk endocytosis
  12. Dynamin phosphorylation controls optimization of endocytosis for brief action potential bursts