All Stories

  1. Jennifer Saltzstein, The Refrain and the Rise of the Vernacular in Medieval French Music and Poetry, Gallica 30. Woodbridge: D.S. Brewer, 2013. xii+194 pp. £60. ISBN 978 1 84384 349 8.
  2. Johannes de Grocheio , Ars Musice , ed. and trans. Constant J. Mews, John N. Crossley, Catherine Jeffreys, Leigh McKinnon, and Carol J. Williams. (TEAMS Varia.) Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2011. Paper. Pp. ix, 168; tables. $20. ISB...
  3. Song and subjectivity
  4. 3. Poet as Musician
  5. Form, Counterpoint, and Meaning in a Fourteenth-Century French Courtly Song
  6. Elizabeth Eva Leach Responds
  7. Reading and Theorizing Medieval Music Theory: Interpretation and Its Contexts
  8. Music and Verbal Meaning: Machaut's Polytextual Songs
  9. Machaut's peer, Thomas Paien
  10. The Chansonnier of Oxford Bodleian MS Douce 308: Essays and Complete Edition of Texts
  11. Gendering the Semitone, Sexing the Leading Tone: Fourteenth-Century Music Theory and the Directed Progression
  12. Anne Walters Robertson, Guillaume de Machaut and Reims: Context and Meaning in His Musical Works. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. ISBN 0 521 41876 3 hardcover.
  13. Love, Hope, and the Nature of Merci in Machaut's Musical Balades Esperance (B13) and Je ne cuit pas (B14)
  14. Death of a Lover and the Birth of the Polyphonic Ballade: Machaut's Notated Ballades 1–5
  15. Cristle Collins Judd (ed.), Tonal Structures in Early Music
  16. Vicars of ‘Wannabe’: authenticity and the Spice Girls
  17. Machaut's balades with four voices
  18. Interpretation and Counterpoint: The Case of Guillaume de Machaut's De Toutes Flours
  19. Fortune's demesne: the interrelation of text and music in Machaut'sIl mest avis(B22),De fortune(B23) and two related anonymous balades
  20. Counterpoint and Analysis in Fourteenth-Century Song
  21. Guillaume de Machaut. Le Livre dou Voir Dit (The Book of the True Poem). Edited by Daniel Leech-Wilkinson; translated by R. Barton Palmer. Garland Library of Medieval Literature 06A; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities 1732. New York and...
  22. Counterpoint and Compositional Process in the Time of Dufay: Perspectives from German Musicology. Ed. and trans. Kevin N. Moll (Garland, 1997). ISBN 0 8153 2346 8.
  23. The fourteenth century
  24. Popular music
  25. The sound of beauty