All Stories

  1. The Acceptance of Myths About Intimate Partner Violence Against Women (AMIVAW) Scale
  2. Attributions of Blame to Battered Women when they are perceived as Feminists or as “Difficult to Deal With”
  3. How do college students talk about sexual assault?
  4. Perception of battered women on power asymmetry in their couples and its relation to violence: a preliminary study
  5. Intergenerational Transmission of Benevolent Sexism from Mothers to Daughters and its Relation to Daughters’ Academic Performance and Goals
  6. Spanish Validation of the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression Scale (AMMSA)
  7. Alcohol Use as a Strategy for Obtaining Nonconsensual Sexual Relations: Incidence in Spanish University Students and Relation to Rape Myths Acceptance
  8. It's His Right, It's Her Duty: Benevolent Sexism and the Justification of Traditional Sexual Roles
  9. Men's Proclivity and Women's Reactions to Sexual Violence in Intimate Relationships
  10. Social Perception of Rape Victims in Dating and Married Relationships: The Role of Perpetrator’s Benevolent Sexism
  11. ‘Comparisons of traumatic and positive memories in people with and without PTSD profile’
  12. Social Perception of Rape
  13. Effect of diazepam on successive negative contrast in one-way avoidance learning
  14. Sistemas neurales de relevancia en el contexto de la psicobiología de la ansiedad: una revisión