All Stories

  1. ‘It was really dark’: the experiences and preferences of people with aphasia to manage mood changes and depression
  2. Staff experiences of an interprofessional community aphasia group
  3. Stroke health professionals’ management of depression after post-stroke aphasia: a qualitative study
  4. A how-to guide to aphasia services: celebrating Professor Linda Worrall’s contribution to the field
  5. Experiences of people with severe aphasia and spouses attending an Interdisciplinary Community Aphasia Group
  6. People with aphasia and health professionals report difficulty communicating with one another: can a novel eHealth intervention help?
  7. Does constraint-induced aphasia therapy or multimodal aphasia therapy lead to better outcomes for people with chronic post-stroke aphasia? A review of latest evidence and rationale for the COMPARE clinical trial
  8. Experiences of mood changes and depression after post-stroke aphasia
  9. Who participates in aphasia research? An analysis of the REhabilitation and recovery of peopLE with Aphasia after StrokE (RELEASE) data set
  10. Delivering storytelling intervention in the virtual world of EVA Park
  11. The efficacy of an inter-disciplinary community aphasia group for living well with aphasia
  12. How Much Information Do People With Aphasia Convey via Gesture?
  13. The Production of Complement Clauses in Children With Language Impairment
  14. The Relationship of Aphasia Type and Gesture Production in People With Aphasia
  15. Releasing the Constraints on Aphasia Therapy: The Positive Impact of Gesture and Multimodality Treatments