All Stories

  1. Food Supply Strategies in the Romanian Eneolithic: Sheep/Goat Husbandry and Fishing Activities from Hârşova Tell and Borduşani-Popină (5th Millennium BC)
  2. The Upper Palaeolithic site of Kalavan 1 (Armenia): An Epigravettian settlement in the Lesser Caucasus
  3. Seasonality and season of birth in early Eneolithic sheep from Cheia (Romania): methodological advances and implications for animal economy
  4. Evidence of Coat Color Variation Sheds New Light on Ancient Canids
  5. Sophisticated cattle dairy husbandry at Borduşani-Popină (Romania, fifth millennium BC): the evidence from complementary analysis of mortality profiles and stable isotopes
  6. Early herding at Măgura-Boldul lui Moş Ivănuş (early sixth millennium BC, Romania): environments and seasonality from stable isotope analysis
  7. What's behind the tell phenomenon? An archaeozoological approach of Eneolithic sites in Romania
  8. Nouvelle approche taphonomique des coprolithes du Tell d'Hârşova (Roumanie) : contribution de la cathodoluminescence