All Stories

  1. Quantitative proteomics analysis to identify biomarkers of chronic myofascial pain and therapeutic targets of dry needling in a rat model of myofascial trigger points
  2. Helical axis analysis to quantify humeral kinematics during shoulder rotation
  3. Relationship between Isometric Muscle Force and Fractal Dimension of Surface Electromyogram
  4. Test-retest reliability of pain extent and pain location using a novel method for pain drawing analysis
  5. Innervation zone locations in 43 superficial muscles: Toward a standardization of electrode positioning
  6. Congenital absence of L4–L5 articular facet joint
  7. Intra-rater reliability of an experienced physiotherapist in locating myofascial trigger points in upper trapezius muscle
  8. Lumbar Synovial Cyst