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  1. Understanding street-level bureaucrats’ attitude towards clients: Towards a measurement instrument
  2. Homogeneous National Management Policies or Autonomous Choices by Administrative Units? Inter- and Intra-Country Management Tools Use Variations in European Central Government Administrations
  3. Explaining variation in perceived managerial autonomy and direct politicization in European public sectors
  4. Where Comparative Public Administration and Comparative Policy Studies Meet
  5. A signaling perspective on bureaucratic encounters: How public officials interpret signals and cues
  6. Do tax officials use double standards in evaluating citizen-clients? A policy-capturing study among Dutch frontline tax officials
  7. Compensating citizens for poor service delivery: Experimental research in public and private settings
  8. Cost-effectiveness, domestic favouritism and sustainability in public procurement
  9. When public services fail: a research agenda on public service failure
  10. Do public officials trust citizens? A welfare state perspective