All Stories

  1. Fractional CO2laser: a novel therapeutic device for refractory necrobiosis lipoidica
  2. Treatments of vitiligo: what's new at the horizon
  3. Clinical efficacy of a novel topical formulation for vitiligo: compared evaluation of different treatment modalities in 149 patients
  4. Cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis: a rational therapeutic approach
  5. Efficacy of ustekinumab in sub-erythrodermic psoriasis: when TNF-blockers fail
  6. Paraneoplastic vasculitis and paraneoplastic vascular syndromes
  7. Focused UV-B narrowband microphototherapy (Biopsorin ® ). A new treatment for plaque psoriasis
  8. Successful topical photodynamic treatment of refractory necrobiosis lipoidica
  9. Efalizumab in the treatment of psoriasis: when comorbidity is an issue
  10. Photodynamic therapy: treatment of choice for actinic cheilitis?
  11. Targeted and combination treatments for vitiligo
Comparative evaluation of different current modalities in 458 subjects
  12. Therapy of environmental mycobacterial infections
  13. Atopic dermatitis
  14. Prurigo nodularis and lichen simplex chronicus
  15. Therapeutical Approaches in Melasma
  16. New and Experimental Treatments of Vitiligo and Other Hypomelanoses
  17. A Rational Approach to the Treatment of Vitiligo and Other Hypomelanoses
  18. Stress and Psychoneuroimmunologic Factors in Dermatology