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  1. Cost-effectiveness evidence of mental health prevention and promotion interventions: A systematic review of economic evaluations
  2. The cost of Medicare-funded medical and pharmaceutical services for mental disorders in children and adolescents in Australia
  3. The Productivity Commission Inquiry Report into Mental Health — A Commentary from a Health Economics Perspective
  4. A systematic review of cost-effectiveness studies of prevention and treatment for eating disorders
  5. The modeled cost-effectiveness of family-based and adolescent-focused treatment for anorexia nervosa
  6. The cost-effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa in the Australian context
  7. Cost of high prevalence mental disorders: Findings from the 2007 Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing
  8. Prevention of eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  9. The modelled cost-effectiveness of cognitive dissonance for the prevention of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in adolescent girls in Australia