All Stories

  1. Brain magnetic resonance imaging CO2 stress testing in adolescent postconcussion syndrome
  2. Factors affecting the determination of cerebrovascular reactivity
  3. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Altitude adaptation in Tibetans caused by introgression of Denisovan-like DNA.
  4. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Benefit of omental blood flow in Alzheimer's disease: effect on deteriorating neurons.
  5. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Respiratory rhythm generation in vivo.
  6. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Integrative regulation of human brain blood flow.
  7. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Cellular properties and chemosensory responses of the human carotid body.
  8. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Is this my finger? Proprioceptive illusions of body ownership and representation.
  9. Rebuttal from James Duffin and Jason H. Mateika
  10. Foreword
  11. Faculty Opinions recommendation of The respiratory chemoreception conundrum: light at the end of the tunnel?
  12. Unknown in vivo factors influencing the oxygen dissociation curve?
  13. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Central and peripheral factors contributing to obstructive sleep apneas.
  14. Faculty Opinions recommendation of A unified survival theory of the functioning of the hypocretinergic system.
  15. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Physiology is rocking the foundations of evolutionary biology.
  16. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Defining the characteristic relationship between arterial pressure and cerebral flow.
  17. Model Validation and Control Issues in the Respiratory System
  18. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Cognitive impairment during 5 m water immersion.
  19. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Regulation of ventral surface CO2/H+-sensitive neurons by purinergic signalling.
  20. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Postsynaptic mechanisms of CO(2) responses in parafacial respiratory neurons of newborn rats.
  21. Rapid elimination of CO through the lungs: coming full circle 100 years on
  22. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Breathing without CO(2) chemosensitivity in conditional Phox2b mutants.
  23. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Point: high altitude is for the birds!
  24. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Exercise, brain, and cognition across the life span.
  25. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Control of breathing by raphe obscurus serotonergic neurons in mice.
  26. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Hydrogen ion dynamics in human red blood cells.
  27. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Light increases the gap junctional coupling of retinal ganglion cells.
  28. The role of the central chemoreceptors: A modeling perspective
  29. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Sleep and brain energy levels: ATP changes during sleep.
  30. Faculty Opinions recommendation of An integrative model of respiratory and cardiovascular control in sleep-disordered breathing.
  31. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Peripheral chemoreceptors determine the respiratory sensitivity of central chemoreceptors to CO(2).
  32. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Steal physiology is spatially associated with cortical thinning.
  33. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Influence of high altitude on cerebrovascular and ventilatory responsiveness to CO2.
  34. Hypoventilation and Hyperventilation Syndromes
  35. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Stabilizing immature breathing patterns of preterm infants using stochastic mechanosensory stimulation.
  36. Faculty Opinions recommendation of The brainstem respiratory network: an overview of a half century of research.
  37. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Hypercapnic vs. hypoxic control of cardiovascular, cardiovagal, and sympathetic function.
  38. Respiratory Control of Hypoglossal Neurons During Sleep and Wakefulness
  39. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Altered gravity highlights central pattern generator mechanisms.
  40. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Adaptation and mal-adaptation to ambient hypoxia; Andean, Ethiopian and Himalayan patterns.
  41. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Spatiotemporal organization of frog respiratory neurons visualized on the ventral medullary surface.
  42. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Cerebrovascular responses to hypoxia and hypocapnia in Ethiopian high altitude dwellers.
  43. Frequency of movements and respiratory control in exercise
  44. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Breathing frequency changes at the onset of stepping in human infants.
  45. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Cardiorespiratory failure in rat induced by severe inspiratory resistive loading.
  46. Faculty Opinions recommendation of The influence of inspiratory and expiratory muscle training upon rowing performance.
  47. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Identifying cardiorespiratory neurocircuitry involved in central command during exercise in humans.
  48. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Influence of cerebrovascular function on the hypercapnic ventilatory response in healthy humans.
  49. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Nonassociative learning as gated neural integrator and differentiator in stimulus-response pathways.
  50. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Neurosteroid modulation of respiratory rhythm in rats during the perinatal period.
  51. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Gasping activity in vitro: a rhythm dependent on 5-HT2A receptors.
  52. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Kv1.1 deletion augments the afferent hypoxic chemosensory pathway and respiration.
  53. Faculty Opinions recommendation of Arterial pulse modulated activity is expressed in respiratory neural output.
  54. Anxiety sensitivity as a predictor of panic attacks
  55. Developmental changes in transmission of respiratory rhythm in the rat
  56. Cardio-respiratory measures following isocapnic voluntary hyperventilation
  57. A commentary on eupnoea and gasping
  58. Adaptation in the respiratory control system
  59. Caudal expiratory neurones in the rat
  60. A Model of Breathing Economy for Swimming
  61. Respiratory Control of Hypoglossal Motoneurons
  62. Simulation of the Respiratory Control System
  63. Modeling Respiratory Adaptations in Humans
  64. Functional synaptic connections among respiratory neurons
  65. Chemoreflex thresholds to CO2 in decerebrate cats
  66. Bilaterally independent respiratory rhythms in the decerebrate rat
  67. The effect of hypoxia on the ventilatory response to carbon dioxide in man
  68. Neural Drives to Breathing During Exercise
  69. Excitation of upper cervical inspiratory neurones by vagal stimulation in the cat
  70. Bötzinger expiratory neurones inhibit propriobulbar decrementing inspiratory neurones
  72. A model of respiratory rhythm generation
  73. Paucity of dorsal inspiratory neuron collateral projections to ventral inspiratory neurons
  74. The chemoreflex control of breathing and its measurement
  75. Control of Ventilation During Heavy Exercise in Man
  76. Role of Lactic Acidosis in the Ventilatory Response to Heavy Exercise
  77. The Effect of Exercise on the Central and Peripheral Chemoreceptor Thresholds to Carbon Dioxide in Man
  78. A signal averaging program
  79. Intracellular recordings from upper cervical inspiratory neurons in the cat
  80. The contribution of peripheral chemoreceptors to ventilation during heavy exercise
  81. The neuronal determinants of respiratory rhythm
  82. Short-latency interactions among dorsomedial medullary inspiratory neurons in the cat
  83. Respiratory rhythm generation
  84. Cross-correlation of ventrolateral inspiratory neurons in the cat
  85. Cross-correlation of medullary dorsomedial inspiratory neurons in the cat
  86. Cross correlation of medullary expiratory neurons in the cat
  87. Limbic forebrain and midbrain modulation and phase-switching of expiratory neurons