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  1. Does salt increase thirst?
  2. Salt appetite in the elderly
  3. Dietary sodium, added salt, and serum sodium associations with growth and depression in the U.S. general population
  4. How mood changes on hemodialysis days
  5. Prereproductive Stress to Female Rats Alters Corticotropin Releasing Factor Type 1 Expression in Ova and Behavior and Brain Corticotropin Releasing Factor Type 1 Expression in Offspring
  6. The Human Penchant for Deranged Salt Balance
  7. Micro Niche Finder Review
  8. Transgenerational effects of infantile adversity and enrichment in male and female rats
  9. Salt preference of nursing mothers is associated with earlier cessation of exclusive breastfeeding
  10. The excess salt appetite of humans is not due to sodium loss in adulthood
  11. Biobehavior of the human love of salt
  12. Adversity before conception will affect adult progeny in rats.
  13. Neonatal and juvenile stress induces changes in adult social behavior without affecting cognitive function
  14. Refinement of dendritic and synaptic networks in the rodent anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex: Critical impact of early and late social experience
  15. Enhanced salt appetite, diet and drinking in traditional Bedouin women in the Negev
  16. Ontogeny of urine preference and its relationship to NH4Cl preference and sodium hunger in suckling rat pups
  17. Palatability: response to nutritional need or need-free stimulation of appetite?
  18. Calcium taste preference and sensitivity in humans
  19. Calcium taste preference and sensitivity in humans
  20. Calcium Hunger in the Parathyroidectomized Rat Is Specific
  21. Ontogeny of calcium preference in the parathyroidectomized rat
  22. Ontogeny of calcium preference in the parathyroidectomized rat
  23. The ontogeny of salt hunger in the rat
  24. Neonatal Diuretic Therapy may not Alter Children's Preference for Salt Taste
  25. Salt Preference in Adolescence Is Predicted by Common Prenatal and Infantile Mineralofluid Loss
  26. Hemodialysis increases the preference for salt in soup
  27. Sodium depletion and maternal separation in the suckling rat increase its salt intake when adult
  28. Ontogeny of the ionic specificity of sodium appetite in the rat pup
  29. Intracerebroventricular injection of renin in the neonatal rat reveals a precocious sodium appetite that is dissociated from renin‐aroused thirst
  30. Salt appetite consequent on sodium depletion in the suckling rat pup
  31. The ontogeny of salt appetite aroused by depletion in the rat
  32. Ontogeny of renin‐induced salt appetite in the rat pup
  33. Cranial puncture, a simple procedure requiring no preparatory surgery: validation by observation of drinking and salt appetite evoked by intracerebroventricular renin
  34. Ontogeny of renin‐induced salt appetite in the rat pup
  35. The ontogeny of salt appetite aroused by depletion in the rat
  36. Thirst‐induced anorexias and the ontogeny of thirst in the rat
  37. Morphine induces delayed anorexia in rats
  38. The ontogeny of drinking evoked by activation of brain angiotensin in the rat pup
  39. Brain serotonin depletion and nipple attachment in rat pups
  40. Ontogeny of fenfluramine and amphetamine anorexia compared in rat pups
  41. Morphine-induced anorexia in lateral hypothalamic rats
  42. A convenient feeder for measurement of consumption of powdered food by rats
  43. Central action of anorexic agents: Effects of amphetamine and fenfluramine in rats with lateral hypothalamic lesions
  44. Biphasic action of a 5-hydroxytryptamine inhibitor on fenfluramine-induced anorexia