All Stories

  1. Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Sideritis raeseri, Sideritis scardica and Origanum vulgare
  2. Recent Advances in the HPLC Analysis of Tricyclic Antidepressants in Bio-Samples
  3. Trends in the Analysis of Biopharmaceuticals by HPLC
  4. A Review for the Synthesis of Silk Fibroin Nanoparticles with Different Techniques and Their Ability to be Used for Drug Delivery
  5. HPLC study of the inhibiting effect of phosphate and bicarbonate buffers on the leaching pattern of dental resin composites
  6. Rapid Confirmatory Method for the Determination of Danofloxacin and N-Desmethyl Danofloxacin in European Seabass by UPLC-PDA
  7. Sol-gel-graphene-based fabric-phase sorptive extraction for cow and human breast milk sample cleanup for screening bisphenol A and residual dental restorative material before analysis by HPLC with diode array detection