All Stories

  1. ‘We’ve got a file on you’: problematising families in poverty in four periods of austerity
  2. Towards an understanding of fathers’ involvement in children’s sporting activities as racial fathering practices
  3. Challenging landscapes of sociological thinking on everyday family lives in the UK: taking the yellow brick road
  4. The voice of the past: oral history
  5. In memory of Alan Bryman
  6. Early Intervention and Evidence-Based Policy and Practice: Framing and taming
  7. Sibling relationships and the construction of young people's gendered identities over time and in different spaces
  8. Introduction: a life in methods
  9. Understanding Families Over Time
  10. Power and trust: an academic researcher’s perspective on working with interpreters as gatekeepers
  11. The politics of concepts: family and its (putative) replacements
  12. Farewell to family? A reply
  13. Working with archived classic family and community studies: illuminating past and present conventions around acceptable research practice
  14. Perspectives on working with archived textual and visual material in social research: editors’ introduction
  15. An academic and voluntary sector collaboration to facilitate relationship support for 'mixed' couples and families
  16. Farewell to family? Notes on an argument for retaining the concept
  17. Lone mothers of mixed racial and ethnic children in Britain: Comparing experiences of social attitudes and support in the 1960s and 2000s
  18. Clients or consumers, commonplace or pioneers? Navigating the contemporary class politics of family, parenting skills and education
  19. The Geographies of Mixed-Ethnicity Families
  20. Limited exchanges: approaches to involving people who do not speak English in research and service development1
  21. Feminist Research Management in Higher Education in Britain: Possibilities and Practices
  22. Parenting children from ‘mixed’ racial, ethnic and faith backgrounds: typifications of difference and belonging
  23. Lived experience through economic downturn in Britain—perspectives across time and across the life-course
  24. Trajectories from youth to adulthood: choice and structure for young people before and during recession
  25. Cultures of mixing: understanding partnerships across ethnicity
  26. What's in a Name? An Exploration of the Significance of Personal Naming of ‘Mixed’ Children for Parents from Different Racial, Ethnic and Faith Backgrounds
  27. Contesting Cultural Communities: Language, Ethnicity and Citizenship in Britain
  28. Family, community and social change: looking back and moving forward. Report of an ESRC seminar series
  29. Sibling Identity and Relationships
  30. Brothers and sisters: a source of support for children in school?
  31. Interpreting Trust: Abstract and Personal Trust for People Who Need Interpreters to Access Services
  32. Children’s sibling relationships and gendered practices: talk, activity and dealing with change
  33. Social and family responsibility or self-interest?
  34. Users’ experiences of interpreters
  35. Support in Parenting: Values and Consensus concerning who to turn to
  36. Mothers and child care: policies, values and theories
  37. Present and Absent in Troubling Ways: Families and Social Capital Debates
  38. Some Useful Sources
  39. Introduction: Themed Section on Social Capital, Families and Welfare Policy
  40. Motherhood, Paid Work and Partnering: Values and Theories
  41. Risk and Citizenship
  42. Creating ‘stability’ for children in step‐families: time and substance in parenting
  43. Ethics and Feminist Research: Theory and Practice
  44. Step-Fathering: Comparing Policy and Everyday Experience in Britain and Sweden
  45. Illuminating Meanings of ‘the Private’ in Sociological Thought: A response to Joe Bailey
  46. Children and School‐based Research: ‘informed consent’ or ‘educated consent’?
  47. Moral Tales of the Child and the Adult: Narratives of Contemporary Family Lives under Changing Circumstances
  48. Children's understandings of home-school relations
  49. A Typology of Parental Involvement in Education Centring on Children and Young People: Negotiating familialisation, institutionalisation and individualisation
  50. Lone Mothers, Paid Work and Gendered Moral Rationalities
  51. A critical examination of the use of interpreters in the qualitative research process
  52. Choice Within Constraints: Mothers and schooling
  53. Where are the children in home–school relations? Notes towards a research agenda
  54. Comment: Raising Questions About Perspectives on Black Lone Motherhood
  55. Lone Mothers and Paid Work - Rational Economic Man or Gendered Moral Rationalities?
  56. Introducing qualitative research on women in families and households
  57. Coordination, Fragmentation and Definitions of Need: The New Under Fives Initiative and Homeless Families
  58. Meanderings around `Strategy': A Research Note on Strategic Discourse in the Lives of Women
  59. Connecting method and epistemology
  60. Pre‐school Home Visiting Projects: a case study of mothers’ expectations and experiences
  61. Conclusions
  62. Introduction to Timescapes
  63. Generations and Aspirations
  64. Researching with Peer/Community Researchers Ambivalences and Tensions