All Stories

  1. Mapping the bipolar mind through comics: An interview with Ellen Forney
  2. On comics and the chronicles of emaciation: an interview with Katie green
  3. Anorexia through creative metaphors: women pathographers and graphic medicine
  4. Graphic illness memoirs as counter-discourse
  5. “Childless? Childfree? Neither, Just ME”: pronatalism and (m)otherhood in Paula Knight’s The Facts of Life
  6. Drawing the mind: Aesthetics of representing mental illness in select graphic memoirs
  7. Feminine famishment: Graphic medicine and anorexia nervosa
  8. ‘I Want to Live, I Want to Draw’: The Poetics of Drawing and Graphic Medicine
  9. ‘Telling Your Story Git You over that River’: AIDS and Scenes of Reading and Writing in Sapphire’sPush