All Stories

  1. Subcutaneous progesterone versus vaginal progesterone gel for luteal phase support in in vitro fertilization: a noninferiority randomized controlled study
  2. A randomized trial comparing the endometrial effects of daily subcutaneous administration of 25 mg and 50 mg progesterone in aqueous preparation
  3. A prospective, randomised, investigator-blind, controlled, clinical study on the clinical efficacy and tolerability of two highly purified hMG preparations administered subcutaneously in women undergoing IVF
  4. Pharmacokinetics and safety profile of a novel progesterone aqueous formulation administered by the s.c. route
  5. Randomized controlled trial comparing highly purified (HP-hCG) and recombinant hCG (r-hCG) for triggering ovulation in ART
  6. Factors affecting success rates in two concurrent clinical IVF trials: an examination of potential explanations for the difference in pregnancy rates between the United States and Europe
  7. Elaboration of a working model for the involvement of inhibin A as a mediator of the preovulatory rise of progesterone levels