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  1. Uncertainty can explain apparent mistakes in causal reasoning
  2. On the importance of feedback for categorization: Revisiting category learning experiments using an adaptive filter model.
  3. Mechanisms Underlying Choice-Set Formation: The Case of School Choice in Chile
  4. Computational Cognitive models of Categorization: Predictions under Conditions of Classification Uncertainty
  5. Know your priors: Task specific priors reflect subjective expectations in Bayesian models of categorization
  6. An Adaptive Linear Filter model of procedural category learning
  7. Language Processing Differences Between Blind and Sighted Individuals and the Abstract Versus Concrete Concept Difference
  8. Eliciting semantic properties: methods and applications
  9. Mathematical regularities of data from the property listing task
  10. How to carry out conceptual properties norming studies as parameter estimation studies: Lessons from ecology
  11. Informational content of cosine and other similarities calculated from high-dimensional Conceptual Property Norm data
  12. Modeling stereotypes and negative self‐stereotypes as a function of interactions among groups with power asymmetries
  13. Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing
  14. The role of variability in the property listing task
  15. Response surface methodology for estimating missing values in a pareto genetic algorithm used in parameter design
  16. Why the designer's intended function is central for proper function assignment and artifact conceptualization: Essentialist and normative accounts
  17. Modeling Inferential Minds In Conceptual Space
  18. Procesamiento semántico de palabras epistémicas y metafísicas en niños y adolescentes con Trastorno de Espectro Autista (TEA) y con Desarrollo Típico (DT)
  19. Using sequential approximate optimization and a genetic algorithm to calibrate agent-based models
  20. When are concepts comparable across minds?
  21. Calibrating Agent-Based Models Using a Genetic Algorithm
  22. Calibrating Agent-Based Models Using an Improved Genetic Algorithm
  23. The Association Between Group Size And Communicational Complexity According To Conceptual Agreement Theory
  24. Inference and coherence in causal-based artifact categorization
  25. The dynamics of social agreement according to Conceptual Agreement Theory
  26. Modeling Agreement in Social Groups Using Conceptual Agreement Theory
  27. The Proper Function of Artifacts: Intentions, Conventions and Causal Inferences
  28. The Life of Concepts: An ABM of Conceptual Drift in Social Groups
  29. La Edad Se Correlaciona Directamente con la Fuerza de los Estereotipos de Género: Evidencia Obtenida en unaTarea de Memoria de Reconocimiento
  30. Conceptual agreement theory
  31. The Power of Collective Action: How Agents Get Rid of Useless Concepts without Even Noticing Their Futility
  32. Property generation reflects word association and situated simulation
  33. The Spreading and Demise of Concepts in Social Groups
  34. Situational information contributes to object categorization and inference
  35. Creators’ intentions bias judgments of function independently from causal inferences
  36. The Role of Function in Categories
  37. Reporte de Investigación: El Efecto de ser Observado Sobre el Rendimiento en una Tarea de Fluidez Verbal
  38. A causal model of the meaning of cause, enable, and prevent
  39. The HIPE Theory of Function
  40. Assessing the Causal Structure of Function.
  41. The Error-Reaction Time Correlation as a Prediction of Category Verification Models