All Stories

  1. Creative achievement and individual differences: Associations across and within the domains of creativity.
  2. Reliability from α to ω: A tutorial.
  3. Expanding Eysenck’s toolbox: Beyond correlational and experimental research
  4. The international cognitive ability resource: Development and initial validation of a public-domain measure
  5. A latent variable model approach to estimating systematic bias in the oversampling method
  6. The general factor of personality: A general critique
  7. Fundamental Questions in Personality
  8. Activity matters: Understanding student interest in school science
  9. Temperament, ability, and interests predict important real world choices
  10. Do extraverts get more bang for the buck? Distinguishing affective and motivational reactivity in extraversion
  11. Time-course of attention to negative stimuli: Negative affectivity, anxiety, or dysphoria?
  12. The dynamic relationships of affective synchrony to perceptions of situations
  13. Anxiety in personality
  14. Individual Differences and Differential Psychology
  15. Methodological Advances in Differential Psychology
  16. Multidimensional structure of the Hypomanic Personality Scale.
  17. Individual Differences in Cognition: New Methods for Examining the Personality-Cognition Link
  18. General Models of Individual Differences in Cognition: The Commentaries
  19. Personality structure and measurement: The contributions of Raymond Cattell
  20. Coefficients Alpha, Beta, Omega, and the glb: Comments on Sijtsma
  21. Survey and behavioral measurements of interpersonal trust
  22. Why Emotional Intelligence Needs a Fluid Component
  23. Integrating Experimental and Observational Personality Research—The Contributions of Hans Eysenck
  24. Propensity to Trust Survey
  25. A premature consensus: are happiness and sadness truly opposite affects?
  26. Affect and Proto-Affect in Effective Functioning
  27. Cronbach’s α, Revelle’s β, and Mcdonald’s ωH: their relations with each other and two alternative conceptualizations of reliability
  28. Who Sees Trees Before Forest?
  29. Interpersonal Personality Measures Show Circumplex Structure Based on New Psychometric Criteria
  30. Individual differences.
  31. The meaning and measurement of self-complexity
  32. Personality, motivation and cognitive performance
  33. Personality, mood, and the evaluation of affective and neutral word pairs.
  34. Impulsivity and time of day: Is rate of change in arousal a function of impulsivity?
  35. Increased heritability for lower IQ levels?
  36. Individual Differences and Arousal: Implications for the Study of Mood and Memory
  37. Personality Theory is Alive and Well and Living in Europe
  38. Caffeine, impulsivity, and memory scanning: A comparison of two explanations for the Yerkes-Dodson Effect
  39. Personality and conditioning: A test of four models.
  40. Personality and motivation: Sources of inefficiency in cognitive performance
  41. Empirical Tests and Theoretical Extensions of Arousal-Based Theories of Personality
  42. Predicting variability from perceived situational similarity
  43. Motivation and Efficiency of Cognitive Performance
  44. Effects of anxiety on analogical reasoning: A test of three theoretical models.
  45. ANATEST: A program to generate geometric analogy problems varying in number of elements and number of transformations
  46. Systems Science—Yes; Science—No
  47. Personality traits: Fact or fiction? A critique of the Shweder and D'Andrade systematic distortion hypothesis.
  48. Personality, motivation, and performance: A theory of the relationship between individual differences and information processing.
  49. Factors are fictions, and other comments on individuality theory
  50. The interactive effects of caffeine, impulsivity and task demands on a visual search task
  51. Arousal and recognition memory: The effects of impulsivity, caffeine and time on task
  52. The dynamics of action and the neuropsychology of anxiety
  53. Departing From Homeostasis
  54. Impulsivity, caffeine, and proofreading: A test of the Easterbrook hypothesis.
  55. The measurement of extroversion: A comparison of the Eysenck Personality Inventory and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
  56. IJR Behavior Checklist--Teacher Form
  57. Parallel forms of the IJR Behavior Checklist for parents, teachers, and clinicians.
  58. Human Motivation: Where Have All the Individual Differences Gone?
  59. VSIMPL: A program to estimate the number of interpretable factors
  60. Impulsivity, neuroticism, and caffeine: Do they have additive effects on arousal?
  61. Very Simple Structure: An Alternative Procedure For Estimating The Optimal Number Of Interpretable Factors
  62. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis And The Internal Structure Of Tests
  63. Arousal and perceptual sensitivity in hypochondriacs.
  64. ICLUST: A cluster analytic approach to exploratory and confirmatory scale construction
  65. The theory of achievement motivation revisited: The implications of inertial tendencies.
  66. Introversion/Extroversion, Time Stress, and Caffeine: Effect on Verbal Performance
  67. A Multidimensional Religious Attitude Inventory Related to Multiple Measures of Race