All Stories

  1. Judicial independence: Why does de facto diverge from de jure?
  2. No man is an island: trust, trustworthiness, and social networks among refugees in Germany
  3. Zur Diagnose demokratischer Regression
  4. When Does Terror Induce a State of Emergency? And What Are the Effects?
  5. Soziale Marktwirtschaft im Grundgesetz? Eine gefährliche Verlockung
  6. The Oxford Handbook of Public Choice, Volume 1
  7. The independence of international courts – making reputation work?
  8. How to measure informal institutions
  9. The Economics of Green Constitutions
  10. On the wrong side of the law – Causes and consequences of a corrupt judiciary
  11. Does direct democracy make for better citizens? A cautionary warning based on cross-country evidence
  12. Economic growth and judicial independence, a dozen years on: Cross-country evidence using an updated Set of indicators
  13. The rule of law and constitutionalism in Muslim countries
  14. Membership has its Privileges – The Effect of Membership in International Organizations on FDI
  15. Identifying the determinants of aggregate judicial performance: taxpayers’ money well spent?
  16. Analyzing preliminary references as the powerbase of the European Court of Justice
  17. Mapping Constitutionally Safeguarded Judicial Independence—A Global Survey
  18. Empirical Legal Analysis
  19. Constitutional verbosity and social trust
  20. Arbitration is No Substitute for State Courts
  21. Endogenous constitutions: Politics and politicians matter, economic outcomes don’t
  22. The economic effects of constitutional budget institutions
  23. The Relevance of Judicial Procedure for Economic Growth
  24. Turning cheap talk into economic growth: On the relationship between property rights and judicial independence
  25. Institutional details matter—more economic effects of direct democracy
  26. How (not) to measure institutions: a reply to Robinson and Shirley
  27. The Economics of Informal International Law: An Empirical Assessment
  28. How (Not) to measure institutions
  29. How to Measure the Rule of Law
  30. On the optimal number of courts
  31. The economics of efficiency and the judicial system
  32. Empirical constitutional economics: Onward and upward?
  33. Does membership in international organizations increase governments’ credibility? Testing the effects of delegating powers
  34. Do individual disclosure rules for parliamentarians improve government effectiveness?
  35. Does organizational design of supreme audit institutions matter? A cross-country assessment
  36. Federalism and decentralization—a critical survey of frequently used indicators
  37. The Ripple Effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
  38. The economic effects of federalism and decentralization—a cross-country assessment
  39. Fiscal Effects of Reforming Local Constitutions
  40. Determinants of constitutional change: Why do countries change their form of government?
  41. Positive constitutional economics II—a survey of recent developments
  42. Do Independent Prosecutors Deter Political Corruption? An Empirical Evaluation across Seventy-eight Countries
  43. Explaining constitutional garrulity
  44. The Effects of Competition Policy on Development – Cross-Country Evidence Using Four New Indicators
  45. The effects of lay participation in courts — A cross-country analysis
  46. The economic effects of direct democracy—a first global assessment
  47. Separation of powers: new perspectives and empirical findings—introduction
  48. The economic effects of constitutions: replicating—and extending—Persson and Tabellini
  49. Constitutional Political Economy: Analyzing Formal Institutions at the Most Elementary Level
  50. The economic effects of judicial accountability: cross-country evidence
  51. The Economic Effects of Human Rights
  52. Explaining de facto judicial independence
  53. Improving credibility by delegating judicial competence—the case of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
  54. Wenn Justitia die Hand aufh�lt ? Ursachen und Folgen korrupter Justizbeh�rden
  55. The Violent and the Weak
  56. Reforming Federalism German Style
  57. Robust political economy: The case of antitrust
  58. Do we need a new international financial architecture? Many questions and some preliminary policy advice
  59. Making European Merger Policy More Predictable
  60. The Prosecution of Public Figures and the Separation of Powers. Confusion within the Executive Branch – A Conceptual Framework
  61. The Bonds of Democratic Politics – An Economic Perspective
  62. Economic growth and judicial independence: cross-country evidence using a new set of indicators
  63. On the Delegation of Powers – With Special Emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe
  64. Toward ever closer union—or ever larger? Or both? Entry to the European Union from the perspective of constitutional economics
  65. Reviews
  66. Traded services in the GATT — What’s all the fuss about?
  67. The Trade Policy Review Mechanism