All Stories

  1. Diagnose einer protrahierten Aortendissektion erst durch neurosonografische Detektion einer bilateralen Dissektion der A. carotis communis
  2. Thrombolysis for Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Brain Tumors
  3. Suitability of the 6CIT as a screening test for dementia in primary care patients
  4. Brain size and white matter content of cerebrospinal tracts determine the upper cervical cord area: evidence from structural brain MRI
  5. Subclavian-axillary graft plus graft-carotid interposition in symptomatic radiation-induced occlusion of bilateral subclavian and common carotid arteries
  6. Depression as first manifestation of a large intracerebral lymphoma
  7. Diabetes mellitus und Schlaganfall
  8. Structural and functional neuroimaging of restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movements in sleep
  9. Depressive Symptoms and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke in the Elderly—Influence of Age and Sex
  10. Das Arbeitszeitgesetz: Empirie versus Ideologie
  11. Cognitive impairment as unusual first manifestation in late-onset relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis
  12. Limbic Encephalitis due to Pancreatic Cancer
  13. Vitamin D Deficiency, Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  14. Chronic Kidney Disease and Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  15. C-reactive protein as a predictor of cardiovascular events in elderly patients with chronic kidney disease
  16. Behandelbare somatische Risikofaktoren
  17. Anti-retroviral therapy-induced status epilepticus in “pseudo-HIV serodeconversion”
  18. Metabolic and endocrine factors in mild cognitive impairment
  19. Bilateral Superior Altitudinal Hemianopia: Missing the Goal, but Hitting the Stroke Cause
  20. Physical Activity and Incident Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Persons
  21. Headaches, delusions, and catharsis
  22. Sekundärprophylaxe des Schlaganfalls nach PRoFESS und SPARCL
  23. Cisplatin-Associated Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery
  24. Accelerated aging of the putamen in men but not in women
  25. Pathologie des Rückenmarks
  26. Nicht medikamentöse Prophylaxe des Schlaganfalls
  27. Bilateral thalamic gray matter changes in patients with restless legs syndrome
  28. Detection of Acute Brainstem Infarction by Using DWI/MRI
  29. Hemiballism with insular infarction as first manifestation of Takayasu's arteritis in association with chronic hepatitis B