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  1. Corrigendum to: ‘Shy trout grow faster: do personality traits predict fitness of brown trout in the wild?’ by Bart Adriaenssens and Jörgen I. Johnsson. 22:135–143
  2. Telomere length covaries with personality in wild brown trout
  3. Context dependency of trait repeatability and its relevance for management and conservation of fish populations
  4. Generalist-specialist trade-off during thermal acclimation
  5. Individual and sex‐specific differences in intrinsic growth rate covary with consistent individual differences in behaviour
  6. Unpredictable fish
  7. Emergence of behavioural syndromes
  8. Changing climate can affect fish fertility
  9. Learning and context-specific exploration behaviour in hatchery and wild brown trout
  10. Behavioural syndromes in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta); life history, family variation and performance in the wild
  11. Shy trout grow faster
  12. Hatchery-raised salmon too crowded
  13. Personality and life-history productivity: consistent or variable association?
  14. Ejaculate traits in relation to male body size in the eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki