All Stories

  1. Beckett by Brook
  2. Jouer Beckett/Performing Beckett
  3. Translation and Performance
  4. ‘Traduire, la contrainte / Translating Constraints’ AHRC Literature under Constraint Network IMLR, 15, 16 November 2018
  5. Mediating Literature
  6. Literature and reality
  7. ‘Mediating Literature’ AHRC Literature under Constraint Network IMLR, 23 March 2018
  8. Frenchified fops on the Restoration Stage
  9. Contemporary French Literature
  10. Conference and workshop reviews
  11. Backpages 26.3
  12. Conference and workshop reviews
  13. Conference and workshop reviews
  14. Conference and workshop reviews
  15. Intertextuality in the work of French author Olivier Cadiot
  16. (Re)telling Old Stories
  17. Macbeth by William Shakespeare
  18. Peter Brook's production of the Mahabharata
  19. Ariane Mnouchkine
  20. La Mise en scene contemporaine: Origines, Tendances, Perspectives
  21. Backpages 18.3