All Stories

  1. Are people living with HIV less productive at work?
  2. Disability Trajectories in Patients With Complaints of Arm, Neck, and Shoulder (CANS) in Primary Care: Prospective Cohort Study
  3. Self-management interventions for young people with chronic conditions: A systematic overview
  4. Prognostic factors and course for successful clinical outcome quality of life and patients' perceived effect after a cognitive behavior therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain: A 12-months prospective study
  5. (2) Incidentie van aan lage rugpijn gerelateerde beroepsziekten Nederland: een prospectieve cohortstudie
  6. Shortening a test for physical activity of elderly people
  7. Aan lage rugpijn gerelateerde beroepsziekten in Nederland: (1) Een instrument voor de beoordeling van de werkgerelateerdheid van aspecifieke lage rugklachten
  8. The development of a multidisciplinary, evidence-based guideline for “HIV and employment”
  9. Employment-Related Concerns of HIV-Positive People in the Netherlands: Input for a Multidisciplinary Guideline
  10. Development of work participation in young adults with cerebral palsy: A longitudinal study
  11. Assessment of Daily Activity Performance: Exploring the Option of Shortening the Test
  12. Incidence of low back pain related occupational diseases in the Netherlands
  13. Tillen en rugklachten, een complexe relatie
  14. Prognosis and Course of Disability in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A 5- and 12-Month Follow-up Cohort Study
  15. The influence of individual and organisational factors on nurses' behaviour to use lifting devices in healthcare
  16. Improved Occupational Performance of Young Adults with a Physical Disability After a Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention
  17. A new intervention to improve work participation of young adults with physical disabilities: a feasibility study
  18. Using the Work Limitations Questionnaire in Patients With A Chronic Condition in the Netherlands
  19. Prognostic Factors for Recovery in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review
  20. The Influence of Ergonomic Devices on Mechanical Load during Patient Handling Activities in Nursing Homes
  21. Course and prognosis of recovery for chronic non-specific low back pain: design, therapy program and baseline data of a prospective cohort study
  22. 4 Spelers op het veld arbeid en gezondheid
  23. Psychosocial factors predicted nonrecovery in both specific and nonspecific diagnoses at arm, neck, and shoulder
  24. Individual and organisational determinants of use of ergonomic devices in healthcare
  25. 11 Arbeidsrelevante rugklachten
  26. Management Decisions in Nontraumatic Complaints of Arm, Neck, and Shoulder in General Practice
  27. Comment on: A Framework for the Classification and Diagnosis of Work-Related Upper Extremity Conditions: Systematic Review⁎⁎Semin Arthritis Rheum 2009;38:296-311.
  28. Comment on: Letter to the Editor from Miedema HS and Huisstede BMA⁎⁎Semin Arthrit Rheum 2009;38:407-408 (this issue).
  29. Determinants of implementation of primary preventive interventions on patient handling in healthcare: a systematic review
  30. Een eenduidige kijk op arm-, nek- en schouderklachten: het CANS-model
  31. Incidence of non-traumatic complaints of arm, neck and shoulder in general practice
  32. Management in non-traumatic arm, neck and shoulder complaints: differences between diagnostic groups
  33. Het CANS-model: multidisciplinaire consensus over terminologie van arm-, nek- en/of schouderklachten
  34. Interventions for Treating the Radial Tunnel Syndrome: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies
  35. Kinesiophobia in patients with non-traumatic arm, neck and shoulder complaints: a prospective cohort study in general practice
  36. Multidisciplinary consensus on the terminology and classification of complaints of the arm, neck and/or shoulder
  37. Instrument om werkgerelateerdheid van aspecifieke lage rugklachten te bepalen
  38. Kan optimale samenwerking tussen orthopedisch chirurgen en bedrijfsartsen ziekteverzuim door bewegingsapparaatklachten beïnvloeden?
  39. Prognostic indicators for non-recovery of non-traumatic complaints at arm, neck and shoulder in general practice--6 months follow-up
  40. Determinants for Improvement in Different Back Pain Measures and Their Influence on the Duration of Sickness Absence
  41. Interventions for treating the posterior interosseus nerve syndrome: a systematic review of observational studies
  42. Treatment of Impingement Syndrome: A Systematic Review of the Effects on Functional Limitations and Return to Work
  43. Aspecifieke lage-rugklachten: is werk de oorzaak?
  44. Workshop report
  45. Arm-Nek-SchouderCongres II
  46. In a controlled trial training general practitioners and occupational physicians to collaborate did not influence sickleave of patients with low back pain
  47. Work-related risk factors for the incidence and recurrence of shoulder and neck complaints among nursing-home and elderly-care workers
  48. Heeft een integrale benadering bij KANS effect?
  49. Prevalence and incidence of shoulder pain in the general population; a systematic review
  50. Barriers for Early Return-to-Work of Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders According to Occupational Health Physicians and Human Resource Managers
  51. Fibromyalgie en werk
  52. Model for the work-relatedness of low-back pain
  53. Kun je van zwaar werk heupartrose krijgen?
  54. Belemmerende factoren voor vroege werkhervatting door aangepast werk
  55. Risicofactoren voor lage-rugklachten in het beroep
  56. Disseminating and Implementing the Results of Back Pain Research in Primary Care
  57. Effectieve publieksinterventie om meningen over lage-rugpijn te beïnvloeden en arbeidsongeschiktheid te verminderen
  58. Reumatische aandoeningen
  59. Which chronic conditions are associated with better or poorer quality of life?
  60. Epidemiologie
  61. Werk En Sociale Zekerheid
  62. Haplotype analysis of three polymorphisms of the COL2A1 gene and associations with generalised radiological osteoarthritis
  63. Chronicity of Back Problems During Working Life
  64. A genetic association study of the IGF-1 gene and radiological osteoarthritis in a population-based cohort study (the Rotterdam study)
  65. National database of patients visiting rheumatologists in The Netherlands: the standard diagnosis register of rheumatic diseases. A report and preliminary analysis
  66. Investigation of the association of the CRTM and CRTL1 genes with radiographically evident osteoarthritis in subjects from the rotterdam study