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  1. A statistical protocol for a holistic adjustment of global sea level budget
  2. Conflation of satellite altimetry and tide gauge records at coast
  3. Recent and future manifestations of a contingent global mean sea level acceleration
  4. Year by year closure adjustment of global mean sea level budget, inclusive of lumped snow, water vapor, and permafrost mass components
  5. Optimal mathematical and statistical models to estimate vertical crustal movements using satellite altimetry and tide gauge data
  6. Why and how to predict sea level changes at a tide gauge station with prediction intervals
  7. Sea level accelerations at globally distributed tide gauge stations during the satellite altimetry era
  8. The effect of regional sea level atmospheric pressure on sea level variations at globally distributed tide gauge stations with long records
  9. Acceleration of the global coastal sea level rise during the 20th century re-evaluated
  10. Inferring regional vertical crustal velocities from averaged relative sea level trends: A proof of concept
  11. Thermosteric contribution of warming oceans to the global sea level variations
  12. The Effect of Warming Oceans at a Tide Gauge Station
  13. More confounders at global and decadal scales in detecting recent sea level accelerations
  14. Vector regression introduced
  15. Global sea level trends in the presence of variable sea level velocities, and variable accelerations
  16. Modeling regional sea level rise using local tide gauge data
  17. Deformation analysis of the unified lunar control networks
  18. New parameters of geometrically best fitting lunar figures
  19. Comparison of Four Geodetic Network Densification Solutions
  20. Mapping impervious surface areas from GIS planimetric data
  21. Polar motion modeling, analysis, and prediction with time dependent harmonic coefficients
  22. Use of Bloom's taxonomic complexity in online multiple choice tests in Geomatics education
  23. Differencing Reveals Hidden Changes in Baseline Length Time-series
  24. How do Unmodeled Systematic Mean Sea Level Variations Affect Long-term Sea Level Trend Estimates from Tide Gauge Data?
  25. BLIMPBE and its Geodetic Applications
  26. Integrating Heterogeneous Data Sets with Partial Inconsistencies
  27. Mean Sea Level Variation in the South China Sea from Four Decades of Tidal Records in Hong Kong
  28. Calibration of zenith hydrostatic delay model for local GPS applications
  29. Vlbi rates with first order autoregressive disturbances
  32. A Regional GPS Network Solution for Monitoring Deformations of the Southeastern Eurasian Plata
  33. Tailored Datum Transformation Model for Locally Distributed Data
  34. A preliminary error analysis of the gravity field recovery from a lunar Satellite-to-Satellite mission