All Stories

  1. Organizational culture and the tolerance of corruption: the case of South Korea
  2. Asia Pacific as a research context for organizational learning: background and future directions
  3. Introduction: human capital as a factor in societal progress
  4. Conclusion: the central role of human and social capital
  5. Series Page
  6. Introduction
  7. Conclusion
  8. The changing face of corruption in the Asia-Pacific Region
  9. Future directions for research into corruption and anticorruption practice
  10. Whither globalisation and convergence? Asian examples and future research
  11. The past, the future and rankings
  12. Internationalization patterns and the evolution of multinational companies: comparing Japan, Korea, China and India
  13. Business ethics and the role of context: institutionalism, history and comparisons in the Asia Pacific region
  14. Series Page
  15. Series Page
  16. Asia Pacific Business ReviewSpecial Issue:
  17. Japanese multinationals in the post-bubble era: new challenges and evolving capabilities
  18. How have Japanese multinational companies changed? Competitiveness, management and subsidiaries
  19. From value-based human resource practices to i-deals: software companies in Vietnam
  20. Six major industries
  21. Changing HR landscapes across the region
  22. Introduction
  23. Best HR practices
  24. Conclusion
  25. Introduction to ethical and social marketing in Asia
  26. Conclusion to ethical and social marketing in Asia
  27. The role of human resources in sustaining the growth of industries
  28. Mutuality in the Asia Pacific region
  29. The changing contours of Korean management and business
  30. Context and implications for Korean management and business
  31. Changing corporate culture over time in South Korea
  32. Globalization, Change and Learning in South Asia
  33. Waves of Anti-Unionism in South Korea
  34. Conclusion: lessons learned and insights derived from leadership in Asia
  35. Introduction: setting the scene for leadership in Asia
  36. Building human and social capital in Pacific Asia
  37. Succeed or Sink
  38. Towards a business sustainability future
  39. Introduction: setting the context of business sustainability and globalisation
  40. Conclusion: business sustainability is beyond just lasting
  41. Business sustainability in practice: case studies and examples
  42. The challenges and the future for business sustainability
  43. The depths and heights of business sustainability
  44. Human capital management in Malaysia: local & foreign perspectives
  45. Development in China: position and nationhood in Asia and the world
  46. From a paternalistic model towards what? HRM trends in Korea and Taiwan
  47. Publishing in an era of ‘publish or perish’: SSCI status
  48. Managing People Globally
  49. Employee relations
  50. Conclusion
  51. Employee rewards
  52. Introduction: HRM context, development and scope
  53. Employee development
  54. Employee resourcing
  55. ITOCHU: A Japanese Firm in the Era of Retrenchment and Reform
  56. Change in Asia: a review of management theory and research related to human resources
  57. Human capital management in Malaysia: local & foreign perspectives
  58. Chinese management at the crossroads: setting the scene
  59. China's chimera: miracle or mirage in the ‘Middle Kingdom’?
  60. Managers, markets and the globalized economy in China: epilogue
  61. HSBC in East Asia (Before the 2008 Credit Crunch)
  62. Acknowledgments
  63. Rewards system developments: pay for performance in knowledge-intensive industries in China
  64. The internationalization of industrial relations? Japanese and US multinational companies in Vietnam
  65. Whither management in South-East Asia? Directions and themes
  66. Management in South-East Asia: key findings, conclusions and prospects
  67. Overview of Economic Growth and Industrial Relations in Asian Knowledge-Based Economies
  68. Making Industrial Relations Work in the Globalization Era: Challenges Ahead for Knowledge-Based Economies
  69. The Changing Face of Management in South East Asia - Edited by Chris Rowley and Saaidah Abdul-Rahman
  70. Changing patterns of rewards in Asia: a literature review
  71. Pay for performance in China's non‐public sector enterprises
  72. The Purchasing Performance of Organizations Using e-Marketplaces
  73. Special issue on Chinese Management
  74. Special issue on Management and Business in South East Asia
  75. Guest editors' introduction growth and globalization: Evolution of human resource management practices in Asia
  76. The impact of flexible benefits on employee satisfaction: a study of the South Korean public sector
  77. Introduction: globalizing international human resource management
  78. Human resource management in Chinese small and medium enterprises
  79. To what extent can management practices be transferred between countries?
  80. Business and Management in South East Asia: Studies in Diversity and Dynamism
  81. Conclusion: Whither Business and Management in South East Asia?
  82. Ethnicity as a Management Issue and Resource: Examples from Malaysia
  83. Women in Management in South Korea: Advancement or Retrenchment?
  84. Employee Commitment: A Review of the Background, Determinants and Theoretical Perspectives
  85. Macro and micro approaches in human resource development: context and content in South Korea
  86. Human resource development in the Asia Pacific: coverage, themes and contents
  87. The Management of Human Resources in the Asia Pacific Region
  88. Abstracts
  89. Changes and Continuities in South Korean HRM
  90. HRM in South Korea
  91. Editorial
  92. Big Business in South Korea: The Reconfiguration Process
  93. Conclusion: Big Business in Asia: Coverage, Themes and Prospects
  94. Introduction: Big Business in Asia
  95. Key aspects in the management of human resources across APEC
  96. Changes and continuities in South Korean HRM
  97. Conclusion: changes in Asian HRM – implications for theory and practice
  98. Introduction: changes and continuities in Asian HRM
  99. Changes and continuities in South Korean HRM
  100. The Korean economy, business and labour: miracle or mirage?
  101. Book Review: China’s Workers Under Assault: The Exploitation of Labor in a Globalizing Economy
  102. Convergence and Divergence in Asian Human Resource Management
  103. Globalization and transformation of human resource management in South Korea
  104. The State in employment: the case of Malaysian electronics
  105. The impact of globalization on HRM: the case of South Korea
  106. Globalization and Labour in the Asia Pacific Region
  107. Managed in Hong Kong: Adaptive Systems, Entrepreneurship and Human Resources. Chris Rowley , Robert Fitzgerald
  108. Introduction: Capabilities to Liabilities in Korean Management
  109. Conclusion: Knowledge, Learning and Change in Korean Management
  110. Book reviews, notes on contributors, abstracts, index to volume 7 2000-2001 & end matter
  111. Managerial problems in Korea ‐ Evidence from the nationalized industries
  112. Globalization and Hong Kong's labour market: the deregulation paradox
  113. Globalization, labour and prospects
  114. Global labour? Issues and themes
  115. International business and management encyclopedia and handbooks
  116. Managed in Hong Kong: economic development, competitiveness and deindustrialization
  117. Hong Kong's development: prospects and possibilities
  118. Beyond management: the paradox of Hong Kong's economic advances
  119. Book Reviews
  120. Greater China: Political Economy, Inward Investment and Business Culture. Chris Rowley , Mark Lewis
  121. Introduction: the icarus paradox in Korean business and management
  122. Changing gears? Developments in the world car industry
  123. Conclusion: Korean business and management – the end of the model?
  124. At the break of dawn? Hong Kong industrial relations and propects under its political transition
  125. Book Reviews
  126. Book Reviews
  127. Conclusion: Reassessing HRM's Convergence
  128. Book Reviews
  129. Book Reviews
  130. Comparisons and Perspectives on HRM in the Asia Pacific
  131. Book Reviews
  132. Book Reviews
  133. Book Reviews
  134. Korean Industrial Relations at the Crossroads: The Recent Labour Troubles
  135. Book Reviews
  136. Are We Turning Japanese?
  137. Book Reviews
  138. Flexible specialisation: some comparative dimensions and evidence from the ceramic tile industry
  139. Book Reviews
  140. Book Reviews
  141. Book Reviews
  142. Book Reviews
  143. Greater China at the Crossroads? Convergence, Culture and Competitiveness
  144. East Asian Scholarly Research: A View from the 94th Floor
  145. Book Reviews
  146. The Labour Party and Europe
  147. Book Reviews
  148. Book Reviews
  149. The Globalization of Production and the Regulation of Labour Conference
  150. Taming the Tigers?: HRM in the Far East
  151. Book Reviews
  152. Book Reviews
  153. Book Reviews
  154. Book Reviews
  155. Book Reviews
  156. Book Reviews
  157. Book Reviews
  158. Book Reviews
  159. Book Reviews
  160. Book Reviews
  161. Book Reviews
  162. Book Reviews
  163. Book Reviews
  164. Book Reviews
  165. Book Reviews
  166. Book Reviews
  167. Book Reviews
  168. Book Reviews
  169. Waves of Anti-Unionism in South Korea
  170. China
  171. Managing Diversity: Women Managers in Asia
  172. Company Profiles: East Asia
  173. Human Resource Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Jiangsu, China
  174. HRM Best Practices and Transfers to the Asia-Pacific Region