All Stories

  1. Blueprint for Arab–Israeli Peace? President Carter and the Brookings Report
  2. ‘Finishing the Enterprise’: Israel's Admission to the United Nations
  3. Securing the State: From Zionist Ideology to Israeli Statehood
  4. Coercive Diplomacy: Israel, Transjordan and the UN—a Triangular Drama Revisited
  5. Baramki, Gabi (2010) Peaceful Resistance: Building a Palestinian University under Occupation. New York: Pluto. ix + 219 pp. ISBN 9780745329314
  6. Kattan, Victor (2009) From Coexistence to Conquest: International Law and the Origins of the Arab—Israeli Conflict, 1891—1949. New York: Pluto. xl + 416 pp. ISBN 9780745325781
  7. ■ Norton, Augustus Richard, 2007. Hezbollah: A Short History. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 187 pp. ISBN 9780691131245
  8. ■ Shlaim, Avi, 2007. Lion of Jordan: The Life of King Hussein in War and Peace. London: Penguin. xxii + 698 pp. ISBN 9780141017280
  9. Sökmen, Müge Gürsoy & Başak Ertür, eds, 2008. Waiting for the Barbarians: A Tribute to Edward W. Said. London & New York: Verso. xx + 204 pp. ISBN 9781844672462
  10. ■ Hilal, Jamil, ed., 2007. Where Now for Palestine? London & New York: Zed. xi + 260 pp. ISBN 9781842778401
  11. ■ Kurtzer, Daniel C. & Scott B. Lasensky, eds, 2008. Negotiating Arab—Israeli Peace. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press. xx + 191 pp. ISBN 9781601270306
  12. Khalidi, Rashid, 2006. The Iron Cage. Boston, MA: Beacon. xlii + 281 pp. ISBN 0807003085
  13. Book Notes: Krämer, Gudrun, 2008. A History of Palestine. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. xvi 357 pp. ISBN 069111897.
  14. Massad, Joseph A., 2006. The Persistence of the Palestinian Question. London & New York: Routledge. 218 pp. ISBN 0415770106.
  15. ■ Pappe, Ilan, 2006. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Oxford: Oneworld. 320 pp. ISBN 1851685553