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  1. The reproductive capacity of Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus is higher in their invasive range
  2. Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for invasive alien species
  3. Personality and urbanization: behavioural traits and DRD4 SNP830 polymorphisms in great tits in Barcelona city
  4. More Ornamented Great TitParus majorFathers Start Feeding Their Offspring Earlier
  5. Reducing the availability of food to control feral pigeons: changes in population size and composition
  6. Do Siskins have friends? An analysis of movements of Siskins in groups based on EURING recoveries
  7. Combined epigenetic and intraspecific variation of theDRD4andSERTgenes influence novelty seeking behavior in great titParus major
  8. Prior residence effect in wintering male Eurasian siskins is not related to resource holding power
  9. Resident but not transient Eurasian Siskins reduce body mass in response to increasing predation risk: a natural experiment
  10. No association between the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) and black belly stripe size variation in the Great TitParus major
  11. Increase in body size is correlated to warmer winters in a passerine bird as inferred from time series data
  12. Year-Round Preference for Spiders by Mediterranean Great TitsParus major
  13. Repeatability of Feather Mite Prevalence and Intensity in Passerine Birds
  14. Habitat structure and prey composition generate contrasting effects on carotenoid-based coloration of great titParus majornestlings
  15. Selection based on the size of the black tie of the great tit may be reversed in urban habitats
  16. Nutritional status does not explain the increase of carotenoid-based coloration associated with age in Great Tits Parus major
  17. Are the Costs of Site Unfamiliarity Compensated With Vigilance? A Field Test in Eurasian Siskins
  18. Are colorful males of great tits Parus major better parents? Parental investment is a matter of quality
  19. Plumage brightness, vigilance, escape potential, and predation risk in male and female Eurasian Siskins ( Spinus spinus )
  20. Great Tit (Parus major) breath rate in response to handling stress: urban and forest birds differ
  21. Seasonal variation of circulating plasma carotenoids in Mediterranean Great Tit malesParus major
  22. Plumage Coloration of the Blue Grosbeak Has No Dual Function
  23. Seasonal variation of red carotenoid pigments in plasma of wild Crossbill males Loxia curvirostra
  24. One Hour of Sampling is Enough: Great Tit Parus major Parents Feed Their Nestlings Consistently Across Time
  25. Red-billed Leiothrix sexing is a matter of colour
  26. Differential effects of predation risk and competition over vigilance variables and feeding success in Eurasian siskins (Carduelis spinus)
  27. Behavioural responses to handling stress in the Great Tit: within-individual consistency and the effect of age, sex and body condition
  28. Numbered neck collars for long-distance identification of parakeets
  29. Melanin-based trait predicts individual exploratory behaviour in siskins, Carduelis spinus
  30. Changes in carotenoid-based plumage colour in relation to age in European SerinsSerinus serinus
  31. Patterns of connectivity in Citril FinchesSerinus citrinella: sympatric wintering of allopatric breeding birds?
  32. Gene flow and range expansion in a mountain-dwelling passerine with a fragmented distribution
  33. Age-Related Differences in a Carotenoid-Based Coloration Trait are Due to Within-Individual Changes in Great Tits Parus major
  34. Specific Appetite for Carotenoids in a Colorful Bird
  35. Genetic differentiation in the urban habitat: the great tits (Parus major) of the parks of Barcelona city
  36. Brighter Great Tit parents build bigger nests
  37. The species status of the Corsican finch Carduelis corsicana assessed by three genetic markers with different rates of evolution
  38. Hepatic conversion of red carotenoids in passerine birds
  39. The liver but not the skin is the site for conversion of a red carotenoid in a passerine bird
  40. Integration of Demographic Analyses and Decision Modeling in Support of Management of Invasive Monk Parakeets, an Urban and Agricultural Pest
  41. Measurement of plumage badges: an evaluation of methods used in the Great Tit Parus major
  42. Do all Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla show winter site fidelity?
  43. The role of melanin- and carotenoid-based plumage coloration in nest defence in the Great Tit
  44. Serins with intermediate brightness have a higher survival in the wild
  45. Serins with intermediate brightness have a higher survival in the wild
  47. Comparing plumage colour measurements obtained directly from live birds and from collected feathers: the case of the great tit Parus major
  48. Evolutionarily stable transition rates in a stage-structured model. An application to the analysis of size distributions of badges of social status
  49. Sexing juvenile GreenfinchesCarduelis chlorisby the extent of black on the tail
  50. Plumage coloration and nutritional condition in the great tit Parus major: the roles of carotenoids and melanins differ
  51. Asymmetric exchange between populations differing in habitat quality: A metapopulation study on the citril finch
  52. Analysis of individual- and time-specific covariate effects on survival of Serinus serinus in north-eastern Spain
  53. Status signalling, metabolic rate and body mass in the siskin: the cost of being a subordinate
  54. Development and application of a mark-recapture model incorporating predicted sex and transitory behaviour
  55. Identifying sources of heterogeneity in capture probabilities: an example using the Great TitParus major
  56. Interactions among Environmental Stress, Body Condition, Nutritional Status, and Dominance in Great Tits
  57. Opportunistic breeding of the Citril FinchSerinus citrinella
  58. Differential use of local enhancement for finding food by resident and transient siskins
  59. Allofeeding in Eurasian Siskins (Carduelis spinus)