All Stories

  1. Assessing the potential of HSPA2 and ADAM2 as two biomarkers for human sperm selection
  2. Reactive oxygen species-induced alterations in H19-Igf2 methylation patterns, seminal plasma metabolites, and semen quality
  3. Oxidative stress-induced alterations in seminal plasma antioxidants: Is there any association with keap1 gene methylation in human spermatozoa?
  4. Reactive oxygen species and male reproductive hormones
  5. Preimplantation High-Resolution HLA Sequencing Using Next Generation Sequencing
  6. Role of vitamin E and D 3 supplementation in Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection outcomes of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome: A double blinded randomized placebo-controlled trial
  7. mitochondrial activity and oocyte quality
  8. Nutritional modifications in male infertility
  9. Methyltetrahydrofolate vs Folic Acid Supplementation in Idiopathic Recurrent Miscarriage
  10. Western Pattern of nutrition as Indicator of Asthenozoospermia Risk
  11. Immobilising effect of Ruta graveolens L. on human spermatozoa
  12. Dietary fatty acid intakes and asthenozoospermia
  13. PRM1, PRM2, and TNP2 transcripts in teratozoospermia and normozoospermia
  14. Molecular analysis of testis biopsy in non-obstructive azoospermia
  15. PCOS in Monozygotic Twins
  16. Regeneration of spermatogenesis in a mouse model
  17. The micronutrient supplements in oligoasthenoteratozoospermia
  18. Seminal Levels of lymphokine in Chlamydia Infection
  19. CoQ10 supplementation in idiopathic oligoasthenoteratozoospermia
  20. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation in male infertility
  21. Genetic Variants of GSTM1 and GSTP1 in Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia
  22. Very rapid versus vapor phase freezing of human sperm
  23. CMA3 Staining and Sperm Quality
  24. Y Chromosome Microdeletions Among Iranian Infertile Men
  25. Relationship of semen contents and sperm chromatin
  26. Causes of bimodal melting curve in QPCR
  27. Tyrosine phosphorylation pattern in human sperm proteins
  28. The effect of GC distribution on melting curve analysis
  29. Chromomycin A3 as sperm staining method
  30. Regulation of luteinizing hormone receptor in hippocampal neurons
  31. Effects of Centella asiatica on testis apoptosis
  32. Seminal molecular markers as a non-invasive diagnostic tool
  33. Immobilization effect of Ruta graveolens L. on human sperm