All Stories

  1. The Protestant Reception of Catholic Devotional Literature in England to 1700
  2. Robert Persons’sResolution(1582) and the issue of textual piracy in Protestant editions of Catholic devotional literature
  3. Mabbe's Maybes: A Stuart Hispanist in Context
  4. ‘O that mine Adversary had written a Book!’ Translations of Catholic Literature and the Eroticization of Pain in Seventeenth-Century England
  5. Shakespeare and Catholicism
  6. Shakespeare and Catholicism
  7. Aloes by Any Other Name: Translations of Herbal Terminology in the Spiritual Epistles of Juan de Avila
  8. Aloes by Any Other Name: Translations of Herbal Terminology in theSpiritual Epistlesof Juan de Avila
  9. James Mabbe's Achievement in his Translation of Guzmán de Alfarache
  10. James Mabbe's Achievement in his Translation ofGuzmán de Alfarache