All Stories

  1. How Important Is Vitamin D for Calcium Homeostasis During Pregnancy and Lactation?
  2. How much vitamin D is needed for healthy bones?
  3. Is Vitamin D2Really Bioequivalent to Vitamin D3?
  4. Free or Total 25OHD as Marker for Vitamin D Status?
  5. Free 25-Hydroxyvitamin D: Impact of Vitamin D Binding Protein Assays on Racial-Genotypic Associations
  6. The Power of Mass Spectroscopy as Arbiter for Immunoassays
  7. Associations of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D With Bone Mineral Density, Bone Mineral Density Change, and Incident Nonvertebral Fracture
  8. Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels: Variability, Knowledge Gaps, and the Concept of a Desirable Range
  9. Endocrine determinants of incident sarcopenia in middle-aged and elderly European men
  10. Optimal Vitamin D Status: A Critical Analysis on the Basis of Evidence-Based Medicine
  11. Vitamin D and Human Health: Lessons from Vitamin D Receptor Null Mice