All Stories

  1. Patient education and orthopaedic surgery
  2. Surgical Patient Education Interview
  3. Læring og kompetanseutvikling i kommunehelsetenesta – ein intervjustudie av kreftsjukepleiarar
  4. Øyeblikkeleg hjelp-døgnopphald i seks kommunar på Sunnmøre
  5. The design of compassionate care
  6. How do patients with exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease experience care in the intensive care unit?
  7. Narratives of breathlessness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  8. Nurses’ Perspectives on Compassionate Care for Patients with Exacerbated Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  9. Intensive care unit nurses’ perceptions of patient participation in the acute phase of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation: an interview study
  10. Nurses' perceptions of patient participation in hemodialysis treatment
  11. The next of kin of older people undergoing haemodialysis: a discursive perspective on perceptions of participation
  12. Perceptions of patient participation amongst elderly patients with end-stage renal disease in a dialysis unit
  13. Kva skjer i praksisstudiet i somatiske sengeavdelingar?
  14. 1 Innovasjon og entreprenørskap mellom fjord og fjell
  15. 8 Mellomlederes vurdering av kompetansebehov i sykepleie etter samhandlingsreformen
  16. 9 Samhandlande praksis som innovasjon