All Stories

  1. Electric-Field-Induced Second-Harmonic Generation Demonstrates Different Interface Properties of Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown MgO on Si
  2. Chiral Thin Films of Metal Oxide
  3. Second-harmonic generation from complex chiral samples
  4. Tunneling of holes is observed by second-harmonic generation
  5. Fast Fourier-Transform Second-Harmonic Generation (FFT-SHG) Provides a Solution for Measuring Nonlinear Effects on Fragile Structures
  6. An all-optical protocol to determine the molecular origin of radiation damage/enhancement in electro-optic polymeric materials
  7. SHG/2PF microscopy of single and multi-layer graphene
  8. Second-harmonic generation reveals the oxidation steps in semiconductor processing
  9. Si passivation for Ge pMOSFETs: Impact of Si cap growth conditions
  10. Second Harmonic Generation Indicates a Better Si/Ge Interface Quality for Higher Temperature and With $\hbox{N}_{2}$ Rather Than With $\...