All Stories

  1. Development of an implementation-focused network to improve healthcare delivery as informed by the experiences of the SCI knowledge mobilization network
  2. The application of implementation science for pressure ulcer prevention best practices in an inpatient spinal cord injury rehabilitation program
  3. Poster 30 Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment in an Inpatient Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Rehabilitation Program: Implementation Science
  4. Follow-up study of spinal cord injured patients after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation in Nepal in 2007
  5. Does the “eyes lead the hand” principle apply to reach-to-grasp movements evoked by unexpected balance perturbations?
  6. Handrail cueing to reduce risk of falling
  7. Determining the Visual Angle of Objects in the Visual Field: An Extended Application of Eye Trackers
  8. The moveable handhold: A new paradigm to study visual contributions to the control of balance-recovery reactions
  9. Gaze Behavior of Older Adults in Responding to Unexpected Loss of Balance while Walking in an Unfamiliar Environment: a Pilot Study
  10. Stepping to recover balance in complex environments: Is online visual control of the foot motion necessary or sufficient?
  11. Preventing falls in older adults: New interventions to promote more effective change-in-support balance reactions
  12. Interventions to Promote More Effective Balance-Recovery Reactions in Industrial Settings: New Perspectives on Footwear and Handrails
  13. A novel handrail cueing system to prevent falls in older adults
  14. Gaze behavior governing balance recovery in an unfamiliar and complex environment
  15. Sensitivity of a Hill-based muscle model to perturbations in model parameters
  16. New interventions to promote more effective change-in-support balance reactions