All Stories

  2. Between two worlds: Cova Eirós and the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition in NW Iberia
  3. Cova Eirós (Galicia, Spain): The ‘Finisterre’ of Paleolithic cave art
  4. The dawn of the Middle Paleolithic in Atapuerca: the lithic assemblage of TD10.1 from Gran Dolina
  5. Latitudinal gradient in dairy production with the introduction of farming in Atlantic Europe
  6. Avoiding the Blue and Black/White and Gold Argument: an Automated Colour Reference System Applied to Lithic Refit Processes
  7. Vaso con decoración cardial de Cova Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo)
  8. A western route of prehistoric human migration from Africa into the Iberian Peninsula
  9. The use of “second rate” raw materials during Middle Palaeolithic. Technological and functional analysis of two sites in north-eastern Iberia
  10. Estudio de la cerámica medieval de Cova Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo)
  11. Shedding light on the Early Pleistocene of TD6 (Gran Dolina, Atapuerca, Spain): The technological sequence and occupational inferences
  12. Evidence of paleoecological changes and Mousterian occupations at the Galería de las Estatuas site, Sierra de Atapuerca, northern Iberian plateau, Spain
  13. The influence of raw material quality on the characteristics of the lithic tool edges from the Atapuerca sites (Burgos, Spain)
  14. Quartz and quartzite refits at Gran Dolina (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos): Connecting lithic artefacts in the Middle Pleistocene unit of TD10.1
  15. Level TE9c of Sima del Elefante (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain): A comprehensive approach
  16. Cova Eirós: An Integrated Approach to Dating the Earliest Known Cave Art in NW Iberia
  17. Recent archaeo-palaeontological findings from Barranca del Muerto site, Santiago Chazumba, Oaxaca, México
  18. The use of quartz during the Lower Palaeolithic in northeastern Iberia
  19. Last Neanderthals and first Anatomically Modern Humans in the NW Iberian Peninsula: Climatic and environmental conditions inferred from the Cova Eirós small-vertebrate assemblage during MIS 3
  20. The Acheulean from Atapuerca: Three steps forward, one step back
  21. The lithic assemblage from Pont-de-Lavaud (Indre, France) and the role of the bipolar-on-anvil technique in the Lower and Early Middle Pleistocene technology
  22. The Middle Pleistocene site of La Cansaladeta (Tarragona, Spain): Stratigraphic and archaeological succession
  23. The first peopling of Europe and technological change during the Lower-Middle Pleistocene transition
  24. The lithic industry of Sima del Elefante (Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) in the context of Early and Middle Pleistocene technology in Europe
  25. The influence of raw material qualities in the lithic technology of Gran Dolina (Units TD6 and TD10) and Galería (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain): A view from experimental archeology
  26. Atapuerca: evolution of scientific collaboration in an emergent large-scale research infrastructure
  27. The Early and Middle Pleistocene technological record from Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain)
  28. From Atapuerca to Europe: Tracing the earliest peopling of Europe
  29. Las ocupaciones humanas del sitio arqueológico de Santa Inés, Laguna de Tagua Tagua, Chile central
  30. The Lower Palaeolithic on the northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula (Sierra de Atapuerca, Ambrona and La Maya I): a technological analysis of the cutting edge and weight of artefacts. Developing an hypothetical model
  31. La gestión del utillaje de piedra tallada en el Paleolítico Medio de Galicia. El nivel 3 de Cova Eirós (Triacastela, Lugo)
  32. Lithic refitting and movement connections: the NW area of level TD10-1 at the Gran Dolina site (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain)
  33. One million years of cultural evolution in a stable environment at Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain)
  34. La gestion du quartz au Pléistocène moyen et supérieur. Trois exemples d’Europe Méridionale
  35. Early hominid dispersals: A technological hypothesis for “out of Africa”
  36. The European Earliest Technologies from the Atapuerca Perspective
  37. The Early and Middle Pleistocene Technological Record from Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain)
  38. Eurasian Gates: The Earliest Human Dispersals
  39. The first hominin of Europe
  40. Valle de las Orquídeas: an Upper Pleistocene open-air site at Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos)
  41. The emergence of technology: A cultural step or long-term evolution?
  42. The first human settlement of Mediterranean Europe
  43. An Early Pleistocene hominin mandible from Atapuerca-TD6, Spain
  44. Les premiers comportements funéraires auraient-ils pris place à Atapuerca, il y a 350 000 ans ?
  45. Structure morphotechnique de l'industrie lithique du Pléistocène inférieur et moyen d'Atapuerca (Burgos, Espagne)
  46. Historique des découvertes préhistoriques de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Espagne) et perspectives du futur
  47. El Pleistoceno inferior de la Península Ibérica
  48. The Pleistocene site of Gran Dolina, Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain: a history of the archaeological investigations
  49. The TD6 level lithic industry from Gran Dolina, Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain): production and use
  50. The TD6 (Aurora stratum) hominid site. Final remarks and new questions
  51. Out of Africa: The Dispersal of the Earliest Technical Systems Reconsidered
  52. The First Human Settlement of Europe
  53. Lower Pleistocene hominids and artifacts from Atapuerca-TD6 (Spain)
  54. Kuldara: Earliest Human Occupation in Central Asia in Its Afro-Asian Context
  55. Early Middle Pleistocene deposits and artefacts in the Gran Dolina site (TD4) of the 'Sierra de Atapuerca' (Burgos, Spain)