All Stories

  1. A validation of the PAWPER XL-MAC tape for total body weight estimation in preschool children from low- and middle-income countries
  2. The accuracy of emergency weight estimation systems in children—a systematic review and meta-analysis
  3. Accuracy of weight estimation by the Broselow tape is substantially improved by including a visual assessment of body habitus
  4. It is time to abandon age-based emergency weight estimation in children! A failed validation of 20 different age-based formulas
  5. ED neuro-ultrasonography and the mental foramen: Practice makes perfect
  6. Ultrasonographically locating the mental foramen and its soft tissue relations
  7. Fat is the new normal
  8. Finding the mental foramen
  9. UJUZI (Practical Pearl/Perle Pratique)
  10. Blood pressure measurements in the ankle are not equivalent to blood pressure measurements in the arm
  11. Emergency department noise: mental activation or mental stress?
  12. Yesterday, today and tomorrow in Targeted Temperature Management
  13. Adrenaline and amiodarone dosages in resuscitation: Rectifying misinformation
  14. Management of acute fever in children: Guideline for community healthcare providers and pharmacists
  15. The PAWPER tape: A new concept tape-based device that increases the accuracy of weight estimation in children through the inclusion of a modifier based on body habitus
  16. Emergency department echocardiography for preoperative patients at high risk of underlying cardiac disease
  17. Ujuzi
  18. Anesthésie locale
  19. Anesthésie topique
  20. Blocs du membre inférieur
  21. Éléments d'anesthésie buccale et dentaire
  22. Blocs divers
  23. Blocs nerveux
  24. Blocs du membre supérieur
  25. Intoxications aux anesthésiques locaux et complications
  26. Anesthésie locorégionale intraveineuse (ALRIV)
  27. Blocs des nerfs de la face et du cou
  28. Abstracts
  29. Intubation using the Miller and Airtraq™ laryngoscopes: A message from the section editor
  30. Position statement: Pre-hospital rapid sequence intubation
  31. The polony phantom: a cost-effective aid for teaching emergency ultrasound procedures
  32. Optimizing Emergency Drug Dosing in Children
  33. Poor discriminatory performance of the Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) score in a South African intensive care unit
  34. Early closure of colostomies in trauma patients—A prospective randomized trial