All Stories

  1. Transforming qualitative research in phygital settings: the role of generative AI
  2. Experiential product attributes and preferences for new products: The role of processing fluency
  3. From experiential psychology to consumer experience
  4. Introduction to Theory and Practice in Marketing Conference Special Section ofMarketing Science
  5. Marketing function and form: How functionalist and experiential architectures affect corporate brand personality
  6. Functional and experiential routes to persuasion: An analysis of advertising in emerging versus developed markets
  7. The consumer psychology of customer–brand relationships: Extending the AA Relationship model
  8. Consumer Experience and Experiential Marketing: A Critical Review
  9. The impact of event marketing on brand equity: the mediating roles of brand experience and brand attitude
  10. Selecting the right brand name: An examination of tacit and explicit linguistic knowledge in name translations
  11. The consumer psychology of brands
  12. How does perceived firm innovativeness affect the consumer?
  13. Brands on the brain: Do consumers use declarative information or experienced emotions to evaluate brands?
  14. Using the brand experience scale to profile consumers and predict consumer behaviour
  15. Experience Marketing: Concepts, Frameworks and Consumer Insights
  16. Cross-National Logo Evaluation Analysis: An Individual-Level Approach
  17. The concept of brand experience
  18. Brand Experience: What Is It? How Is It Measured? Does It Affect Loyalty?
  19. The brand anchoring effect: A judgment bias resulting from brand awareness and temporary accessibility
  20. Customer Experience Management
  21. Consumer Cognition Across Cultures
  22. Derivative beliefs and evaluations
  23. Handbook on Brand and Experience Management
  24. Mit privaten Dienstleistern zu mehr Service und Effizienz
  25. Are brands forever? How brand knowledge and relationships affect current and future purchases
  26. Marketing-Ästhetik für Marken
  27. Customer Experience Management als zentrale Erfolgsgröße der Markenführung
  28. Customer Experience
  29. Activating Sound and Meaning: The Role of Language Proficiency in Bilingual Consumer Environments
  30. Kundenerlebnis als Wettbewerbsvorteil
  31. Entwickeln Sie die Erlebnisplattform
  32. Gestalten Sie die Kundenschnittstellen
  33. Designen Sie das Markenerlebnis
  34. Richten Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf Kundenerlebnis-Management aus
  35. Nehmen Sie Ihre Kunden endlich ernst!
  36. Analysieren Sie die Erlebniswelt des Kunden
  37. Editorial: Foreword to the Special Issue on Global Branding
  38. Creating Local Brands in Multilingual International Markets
  39. Marketing-Ästhetik für Marken
  40. Creating and Managing Brand EX periences on the Internet
  41. Marketing-Ästhetik für Marken
  42. The effect of a similarity versus dissimilarity focus in positioning strategy: The moderating role of consumer familiarity and product category
  43. The effect of a similarity versus dissimilarity focus in positioning strategy: The moderating role of consumer familiarity and product category
  44. Experiential Marketing
  45. Experiential Marketing: A New Framework for Design and Communications
  46. Marketing-Ästhetik für Marken
  47. Consumer Segmentation in China
  48. Marketing Aesthetics: The Strategic Management of Brands, Identity, and Image
  49. Language-dependent classification: The mental representation of classifiers in cognition, memory, and ad evaluations.
  50. Language Structure and Categorization: A Study of Classifiers in Consumer Cognition, Judgment, and Choice
  51. Regionale Ökobilanzen
  52. Differential Patterns in Consumer Purchase Preferences using Self-Organizing Maps: A Case Study of China
  53. Coupling Brand and Organizational Identities Through Partnering
  54. ‘Superficial out of profundity’: The branding of customer experiences
  55. Who is the Chinese consumer? Segmentation in the People's Republic of China
  56. The Temporal Dimension of Social Episodes: Position Effect in Time Judgments of Unfilled Intervals
  57. Time perceptions in service systems: An overview of the TPM framework
  58. Time perceptions in service systems: An overview of the TPM framework
  59. Language and visual imagery: Issues of corporate identity in East Asia
  60. Managing corporate image and identity
  61. Situational effects on brand preferences for image products
  62. Waiting Time and Decision Making: Is Time like Money?
  63. PROCESSES for Managing Identity, Image, and Design
  64. Language and Consumer Memory: The Impact of Linguistic Differences between Chinese and English
  65. Extending brands with new product concepts: The role of category attribute congruity, brand affect, and brand breadth
  66. Managing Corporate and Brand Identities in the Asia-Pacific Region
  67. Foreign Branding and Its Effects on Product Perceptions and Attitudes
  68. Contextual priming of visual information in advertisements
  69. Memory for Print Ads
  70. Memory for print ads: Understanding relations among brand name, copy, and picture
  71. Intrusions into waiting lines: Does the queue constitute a social system?
  72. Consumer psychology in behavioural perspective
  73. Contextualized representations of brand extensions: Are feature lists or frames the basic components of consumer cognition?
  74. Consumers' Affective Response to Delays at Different Phases of a Service Delivery1
  75. Construct validity of the bem sex role inventory (BSRI): Does the BSRI distinguish between gender-schematic and gender-aschematic individuals?
  76. Sex Typing and Consumer Behavior: A Test of Gender Schema Theory
  77. The Ecological Approach to Social Perception: A Conceptual Critique
  78. Mere presence and social facilitation: One more time
  79. A Framework for Managing Customer Experiences
  80. Experiential Attributes and Consumer Judgments
  81. Language and Culture: Linguistic Effects on Consumer Behavior in International Marketing Research
  82. Integration of Material Flow Management Tools in Workplace Environments