All Stories

  1. Editorial (Thematic Issue: Improving Cancer Clinical Research and Trials with Hispanic Populations: Training and Outreach Efforts Between Moffitt Cancer Center and the Ponce School of Medicine)
  2. Contrasting the Ethical Perspectives of Biospecimen Research Among Individuals with Familial Risk for Hereditary Cancer and Biomedical Researchers: Implications for Researcher Training
  3. Knowledge and Educational Needs about Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) among Oncology Nurses
  4. Adolescent sexual activity and cancer risk: physicians’ duty to inform?
  5. From Observation to Intervention: Development of a Psychoeducational Intervention to Increase Uptake of BRCA Genetic Counseling Among High-Risk Breast Cancer Survivors
  6. The Ethical Imperative of Risk Disclosure in Research: The Answer Is Always Yes
  7. Quality of Life Tools and Young Adult Survivors of Pediatric Cancer: A Commentary on the Need to Examine Perceptions of Romantic Relationships
  8. Providing Care to a Hematopoietic CELL Transplant Recipient: Caregivers Describe Their Own Quality of Life
  9. A Generation of Childless Women: Lessons from the United States
  10. Physicians’ Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Recommendations, 2009 and 2011
  11. Stakeholder perceptions of thoracic rapid tissue donation: An exploratory study
  12. Discussion of First-Degree Relatives’ Colorectal Cancer Risk: Survivors’ Perspectives
  13. Therapy choices and quality of life in young breast cancer survivors: a short-term follow-up
  14. Infertility evaluation and treatment among women in the United States
  15. Improving Awareness of Cancer Clinical Trials Among Hispanic Patients and Families: Audience Segmentation Decisions for a Media Intervention
  16. Patient and Family Tools to Aid in Education and Decision-Making About Oncofertility
  17. Making It Work: Health Care Provider Perspectives on Strategies to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Federally Qualified Health Centers
  18. The need for reproductive and sexual health discussions with adolescent and young adult cancer patients
  19. More research, more responsibility: the expansion of duty to warn in cancer patients considering fertility preservation
  20. Risk terminology in biobanking and genetic research: What's in a name?
  21. A systematic review of the factors influencing African Americans' participation in cancer clinical trials
  22. The Bottleneck Effect in Lung Cancer Clinical Trials
  23. Coping Styles of Female Adolescent Cancer Patients with Potential Fertility Loss
  24. Defining the whole of reproductive health in adolescent and young adult cancer populations: fertility is only one piece of the puzzle
  25. Qualitative responses to a national physician survey on HPV vaccination
  26. Altruism in terminal cancer patients and rapid tissue donation program: does the theory apply?
  27. Preservation strategies
  28. Having Cancer Does Not Change Wanting a Baby: Healthy Adolescent Girls' Perceptions of Cancer-Related Infertility
  29. Quality of Life Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant: What Patients Wish They Had Known
  30. Health Communication Needs Among Spanish-Only-Speaking Cancer Patients and Families
  31. Biobanking as a healthy control: Perceptions of hereditary cancer families
  32. Biobanking as a Healthy Control: Perceptions of Hereditary Cancer Families
  33. Stakeholders' perspectives on barriers and facilitators to recommended breast cancer survivorship care
  34. Why Healthcare Providers Should Focus on the Fertility of AYA Cancer Survivors: It’s Not Too Late!
  35. Pathways toward the future: points to consider for oncofertility oversight
  36. Reproductive Health in the Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patient: an Innovative Training Program for Oncology Nurses
  37. Self-Help Booklets for Preventing Postpartum Smoking Relapse: A Randomized Trial
  38. Distribution of Smoking Relapse Prevention Materials in the Hispanic Community: Lessons Learned
  39. The role of radiation oncologists and discussion of fertility preservation in young cancer patients
  40. A National Survey about Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: What We Didn't Ask, But Physicians Wanted Us to Know
  41. Development of a cancer clinical trials multi-media intervention: Clinical Trials: Are they Right for You?
  42. Cognitive and Psychological Impact of BRCA Genetic Counseling in Before and After Definitive Surgery Breast Cancer Patients
  43. Physicians' Undecided Attitudes Toward Posthumous Reproduction: Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients with a Poor Prognosis
  44. Preserving the Right to Future Children: An Ethical Case Analysis
  45. Understanding the Psychosocial Issues of African American Couples Surviving Prostate Cancer
  46. Using a Patient-Centered Approach to Develop a Fertility Preservation Brochure for Pediatric Oncology Patients: A Pilot Study
  47. Survivorship Care Planning in Colorectal Cancer: Feedback from Survivors & Providers
  48. Teaching Medical Students How to Break Bad News with Standardized Patients
  49. High-risk consumers’ perceptions of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for hereditary cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  50. Missing content from health-related quality of life instruments: interviews with young adult survivors of childhood cancer
  51. A pilot study to examine patient awareness and provider discussion of the impact of cancer treatment on fertility in a registry-based sample of African American women with breast cancer
  52. Cancer Patients' Fears Related to Clinical Trial Participation: A Qualitative Study
  53. Values Clarification Tool for Teen Girls and Parents: Pilot Results
  54. Reproductive Health and Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults
  55. The New Normal: Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients and Caregivers
  56. Ethics of Clear Health Communication: Applying the CLEAN Look Approach to Communicate Biobanking Information for Cancer Research
  57. Creating a Patient Navigation Model to Address Cervical Cancer Disparities in a Rural Hispanic Farmworker Community
  58. Head-to-head comparisons of quality of life instruments for young adult survivors of childhood cancer
  59. Using three legacy measures to develop a health-related quality of life tool for young adult survivors of childhood cancer
  60. Missed clinical opportunities: Provider recommendations for HPV vaccination for 11–12 year old girls are limited
  61. Who Decides? Decision Making and Fertility Preservation in Teens With Cancer: A Review of the Literature
  62. Formative Research on Perceptions of Biobanking: What Community Members Think
  63. Patient Provider Communication and Reproductive Health
  64. Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients: Ethical Considerations
  65. High-risk consumersʼ perceptions of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for hereditary cancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  66. Cultural Acceptability of a Smoking Relapse Prevention Intervention for Pregnant Women in Puerto Rico: Providers' Feedback
  67. Health-Related Quality of Life of Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Review of Qualitative Studies
  68. Posthumous Reproduction and Palliative Care
  69. Oncologists' use of patient educational materials about cancer and fertility preservation
  70. A pilot study of knowledge and interest of genetic counseling and testing for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome among Puerto Rican women
  71. Enhancing Oncology Health Care Provider's Sensitivity to Cultural Communication to Reduce Cancer Disparities: A Pilot Study
  72. Assessing the Reproductive Concerns of Children and Adolescents with Cancer: Challenges and Potential Solutions
  73. State laws and regulations addressing third-party reimbursement for infertility treatment: implications for cancer survivors
  74. Development of a Brochure for Increasing Awareness of Inherited Breast Cancer in Black Women
  75. Transcreation of Validated Smoking Relapse-Prevention Booklets for use with Hispanic Populations
  76. Translation and Adaptation of Smoking Relapse–Prevention Materials for Pregnant and Postpartum Hispanic Women
  77. Psychosocial issues related to sexual functioning among African‐American prostate cancer survivors and their spouses
  78. Satisfaction with Physician Recommendation for and Information About Genetic Counseling Among Breast Cancer Patients
  79. Challenges in recruiting Mexican women for cancer genetics research
  80. Developing a Common Language for Using Social Marketing: An Analysis of Public Health Literature
  81. BRCA carriers' thoughts on risk management in relation to preimplantation genetic diagnosis and childbearing: when too many choices are just as difficult as none
  82. Lung Cancer Patients’ Decisions About Clinical Trials and the Theory of Planned Behavior
  83. Knowledge About Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Among Colorectal Cancer Survivors
  84. Participation of Older Patients With Prostate Cancer in Medicare Eligible Trials
  85. Awareness, Perceptions, and Provider Recommendation Related to Genetic Testing for Hereditary Breast Cancer Risk among At‐Risk Hispanic Women: Similarities and Variations by Sub‐Ethnicity
  86. Exploring Disparities and Variability in Perceptions and Self-Reported Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Three Ethnic Subgroups of U. S. Blacks
  87. Prevalence of Cancer Visits by Physician Specialty, 1997–2006
  88. Frozen Hope: Fertility Preservation for Women With Cancer
  89. Cancer Health Disparities
  90. A Pilot Study of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Knowledge Among a Multiethnic Group of Hispanic Women with a Personal or Family History of Cancer
  91. Psychosocial needs of couples surviving prostate cancer
  92. Psychosocial Needs of Women at Risk for Hereditary Cancer
  93. Healthcare Provider Perspectives on Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients
  94. Cancer Surviving Girls and Their Healthy Peers: Understanding Infertility
  95. A qualitative examination of the role of spirituality among African American prostate cancer survivors and their spouses
  96. Impact of physicians’ personal discomfort and patient prognosis on discussion of fertility preservation with young cancer patients
  97. Patient–provider communication and perspectives on smoking cessation and relapse in the oncology setting
  98. Sensitivity of Self-Report Mammography Use in Older Women
  99. Factors associated with preimplantation genetic diagnosis acceptance among women concerned about hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
  100. Creating patient-centred healthcare practices: Social marketing tools and strategies
  101. Creating patient-centred healthcare practices: Social marketing tools and strategies
  102. Conflict between values and technology: perceptions of preimplantation genetic diagnosis among women at increased risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer
  103. Attitudes of high-risk women toward preimplantation genetic diagnosis
  104. Recall of and Reactions to a Surgeon Referral Letter for BRCA Genetic Counseling Among High-Risk Breast Cancer Patients
  105. Fertility Preservation and Adolescent/Young Adult Cancer Patients: Physician Communication Challenges
  106. Oncology Social Workers' Perceptions of Barriers to Discussing Fertility Preservation with Cancer Patients
  107. Experiences of Genetic Counseling forBRCA1/2Among Recently Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Inquiry
  108. Barriers to fertility preservation among pediatric oncologists
  109. Case study: Consumer and provider perceptions of offered anticipatory guidance during prenatal care
  110. Case study: Consumer and provider perceptions of offered anticipatory guidance during prenatal care
  111. Evaluation of Educational Materials from a Social Marketing Campaign to Promote Folic Acid Use Among Hispanic Women: Insight from Cuban and Puerto Rican Ethnic Subgroups
  112. Oncology Nurses' Perceptions of Barriers to Discussion of Fertility Preservation With Patients With Cancer
  113. Trends in Clinical Practice and Nurses' Attitudes About Fertility Preservation for Pediatric Patients With Cancer
  114. Patient–physician communication barriers regarding fertility preservation among newly diagnosed cancer patients
  115. Clinical trials and tribulations: Lessons learned from recruiting pregnant ex-smokers for relapse prevention
  116. P1-239: A message of hope: creation of the Faces of Lung Cancer Project for increasing awareness of clinical trials
  117. Discussion of fertility preservation with newly diagnosed patients: oncologists’ views
  118. Changing hats: From doctor to patient
  119. The Guinea Pig Syndrome: Improving Clinical Trial Participation among Thoracic Patients
  120. Discussing Fertility Preservation with Cancer Patients Interview Guide
  121. Promoting Pre-Conceptional Use of Folic Acid to Hispanic Women: A Social Marketing Approach
  122. Adapting Smoking Relapse–Prevention Materials for Pregnant and Postpartum Women: Formative Research
  123. A portable, unobtrusive device for videorecording clinical interactions
  124. Real-Time Patient Satisfaction Survey and Improvement Process
  125. Communication and consumer decision making about cancer clinical trials
  126. Development, Ethics, and Prenatal Health Outcomes
  127. Florida Cares for Women Social Marketing Campaign: A Case Study