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  1. Hard-to-place kidney offers: Donor- and system-level predictors of discard
  2. Kidney transplant outcomes: Does position on the match-run matter?
  3. Mood, body image, fear of kidney failure, life satisfaction, and decisional stability following living kidney donation: Findings from the KDOC study
  4. Outcomes Associated with Steroid Avoidance and Alemtuzumab among Kidney Transplant Recipients
  5. Independent risk factors for early urologic complications after kidney transplantation
  6. Response: Effect of HCV Monoinfection and HIV Coinfection in Kidney Transplant Recipients-The Role of Diabetes
  7. Effect of HCV, HIV and Coinfection in Kidney Transplant Recipients: Mate Kidney Analyses
  8. Response: old-to-old pancreas transplantation, what's old in the USA may be young in Europe