All Stories

  1. When Promoting Similarity Slows Satiation: The Relationship of Variety, Categorization, Similarity, and Satiation
  2. Exploring the Relationship Between Varieties of Variety and Weight Loss: When More Variety Can Help People Lose Weight
  3. How perceptions of temporal distance influence satiation
  4. Limited Availability Reduces the Rate of Satiation
  5. In control of variety. High self-control reduces the effect of variety on food consumption
  6. Satiation from sensory simulation: Evaluating foods decreases enjoyment of similar foods
  7. Brands as Product Coordinators: Matching Brands Make Joint Consumption Experiences More Enjoyable
  8. Healthy Satiation: The Role of Decreasing Desire in Effective Self-Control
  9. Apples to Apples or Apples to Crackers? Assimilation, Contrast, and Self-Control on Healthiness Perceptions
  10. I Love You Both Equally, But...Parental Spending on Daughters versus Sons in Economic Recessions
  11. Photographs in Lunch Tray Compartments and Vegetable Consumption Among Children in Elementary School Cafeterias
  12. Meta-Cognition and Satiation
  13. Why we buy: evolution, marketing, and consumer behaviour
  14. Simplifying difficult calculations: consumer choice of two‐part tariffs
  15. The subjective sense of feeling full: The role of metacognitions in the construction of satiation
  16. If it is Familiar, it Must Taste Better: The Familiarity Effect in Taste Tests
  17. Variety Amnesia: Recalling Past Variety Can Accelerate Recovery from Satiation
  18. The Presence of Variety Reduces Perceived Quantity
  19. Reducing Satiation: The Role of Categorization Level
  20. Hyperbolic Discounting
  21. The Subjective Sense of Feeling Satiated
  22. Variety Amnesia: Recalling Past Variety Can Accelerate Recovery from Satiation
  23. Satiation from Sensory Simulation: Evaluating Foods Decreases Enjoyment of Similar Foods
  24. Feast Today Makes Fast Tomorrow? Influencing Satiation through Perceptions of Temporal Distance