All Stories

  1. On the atoms of phonological representation
  2. Low dimensional measurement of vowels using machine perception
  3. Getting ready for primetime: Paths to acquiring substance-free phonology
  4. Cwyzhy Abkhaz
  5. Silence-cued stop perception: Split decisions
  6. Brownian dynamics for the vowel sounds of human language
  7. Evolutionary paths of language
  8. Statistical physics of language maps in the USA
  9. Issues and prospects in Rule-Based Phonology
  10. Chapter 4. Consonant epenthesis and markedness
  11. 66. The evolution of Armenian
  12. The Phonology of Language Contact
  13. Explaining vowel systems: dispersion theory vs natural selection
  14. Retroflex variation and methodological issues: A reply to Simonsen, Moen, and Cowen (2008)
  15. Metre is music: a reply to Fabb and Halle
  16. The Role of Features in a Symbolic Theory of Phonology
  17. The Role of Features in a Symbolic Theory of Phonology
  18. The Appendix
  19. The Appendix
  20. Rules, Constraints, and Phonological Phenomena
  21. Why the Phonological Component must be Serial and Rule‐Based 1
  22. Chapter 3 Underlying representations that do not minimize grammatical violations
  23. Ioana Chitoran (2002). The phonology of Romanian: a constraint-based approach. (Studies in Generative Grammar 56.) Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. xiii+277.
  24. Armenian
  25. Laryngeal markedness and aspiration
  26. Syllabification in Armenian, Universal Grammar, and the Lexicon
  27. On Feature Spreading and the Representation of Place of Articulation
  28. The Phonology of Armenian
  29. The Laryngeal Specifications of Fricatives
  30. Syllabification
  31. Introduction
  32. Vowel Harmony
  33. A Problem in Diachronic Armenian Verbal Morphology
  34. Wackernagel's Law in Classical Armenian