All Stories

  1. Dicranum scottianum Turner (Dicranaceae): synonyms, a type and the correct author
  2. Review of the type specimens for Hedwig’s species ofDicranella(Dicranaceae)
  3. A lectotype forTortella tortuosa(Hedw.) Limpr. (Pottiaceae)
  4. A lectotype for Dicranum howellii (Dicranaceae)
  5. A lectotype forMacromitrium cirrosum(Hedw.) Brid. (Orthotrichaceae)
  6. Phylogeny and systematic position of Mesoptychia (Lindb.) A. Evans
  7. Correction of the typification ofDicranum longifoliumHedw. (≡Paraleucobryum longifolium(Hedw.) Loeske), Dicranaceae
  8. New typifications and a new synonym in Holomitrium (Dicranaceae) from Paraguay
  9. Typification ofSchistostega pennata(Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr (Schistostegaceae)
  10. A lectotype forBreutelia chrysocoma(Hedw.) Lindb., (Bryophyta; Bartramiaceae)
  11. Lectotypification of the moss name Grimmia cribrosa Hedw. [≡ Coscinodon cribrosus (Hedw.) Spruce] (Grimmiaceae)
  12. In the Footsteps of Lantzius-Beninga: Investigating the Peristome Characters of Mosses
  13. Revision of the moss generaEucamptodontopsisandSchliephackea(Dicranaceae: Dicranoideae)
  14. Monograph of the moss genusMacrodictyum(Broth.) E.H.Hegew. (Dicranaceae)
  15. A New Species of Holomitrium (Musci: Dicranaceae) from South America, and a Key to Holomitrium in the Northern and Central Andes of South America
  16. Revision of Rhynchostegiopsis (Leucomiaceae: Musci)