All Stories

  1. Transaction Costs in Resource Redeployment for Multiniche Firms
  2. Resource partitioning and strategies in markets for technology
  3. Diversification, Branding, and Performance of Professional Service Firms
  4. Uncertainty avoidance and the exploration-exploitation trade-off
  6. Social Business Hybrids: Demand Externalities, Competitive Advantage, and Growth Through Diversification
  7. Crowding, satiation, and saturation: The days of television series' lives
  8. Walking a slippery line: Investments in social values and product longevity
  9. Marking your trade: Cultural factors in the prolongation of trademarks
  10. The relationship between knowledge sourcing and fear of imitation
  11. Product proliferation strategies and firm performance: The moderating role of product space complexity
  12. General technological capabilities, product market fragmentation, and markets for technology
  13. Building and Sustaining a Product Differentiation Advantage Through a Community-Focused Strategy
  14. Community-focused strategies
  15. Localized knowledge spillovers and skill-biased performance
  16. Introduction: Trading under the Buttonwood--a foreword to the markets for technology and ideas
  17. Organizational Attributes and the Distribution of Rewards in a Region: Managerial Firms vs. Knowledge Clusters
  18. How and when should companies retain their human capital? Contracts, incentives and human resource implications
  19. Masters of War: Rivals' Product Innovation and New Advertising in Mature Product Markets
  20. The Penguin Has Entered the Building: The Commercialization of Open Source Software Products
  21. Missing the starting gun: de alio entry order in new markets, inertia and real option capabilities
  22. Product Strategies and Survival in Schumpeterian Environments: Evidence from the US Security Software Industry
  23. The Role of the Multinational Companies
  24. The birth of a new industry: entry by start-ups and the drivers of firm growth