All Stories

  1. The Portrayal of Suicidal Behavior in Police Television Series
  2. Harmful or Helpful? A Systematic Review of How Those Bereaved Through Suicide Experience Research Participation
  3. Help-seeking experiences of bereaved adolescents: A qualitative study
  4. Current Postvention Research and Priorities for the Future
  5. Postvention in Action: The International Handbook of Suicide Bereavement Support
  6. Surviving the Legacy of Suicide
  7. A psycho-educational perspective on family involvement in suicide prevention and postvention
  8. Bereavement After Suicide
  9. Suicide survivor activities - an international perspective
  10. Hvordan gi bedre støtte til etterlatte ved selvmord?
  11. Online Memorialization and Grief After Suicide
  12. Genetic Vulnerability as a Distal Risk Factor for Suicidal Behaviour: Historical Perspective And Current Knowledge / Genetska Ranljivost Kot Oddaljen Dejavnik Tveganja Za Samomorilno Vedenje: Zgodovinski Vidik In Znanje Danes
  13. Suicide Bereavement and Postvention in Major Suicidology Journals
  14. Religion and Spirituality in Online Suicide Bereavement
  15. Predictors of Article Impact in Suicidology: The Bereavement Literature, A Research Note
  16. Characteristics of suicide hotspots on the Belgian railway network
  17. Suicide Bereavement Online: Sharing Memories, Seeking Support, and Exchanging Hope
  18. Railway Suicide in Belgium 1998–2009
  19. Essential Questions on Suicide Bereavement and Postvention
  20. Het nieuwe hulpverlenen in enkele muisklikken
  21. Book Review
  22. On-Line Support and Resources for People Bereaved through Suicide: What Is Available?
  23. Suicide Intervention Skills and Related Factors in Community and Health Professionals
  24. Een inkijk in het leven van suïcidale personen
  25. Een inkijk in het leven van suïcidale personen
  26. Can Sports Events Affect Suicidal Behavior?
  27. Een nieuw basisboek in de internationale rouwliteratuur
  28. Can Postvention Be Prevention?
  29. The role of volunteer organizations in suicide prevention
  30. Groeien met verlies
  31. Comment améliorer le soutien aux endeuillés après suicide ? Expériences issues du Programme national pour les endeuillés après suicide en Flandres belges
  32. Over patronen van liefde, verlies en rouw
  33. Two Further Comments on Durkheim'sLe Suicide
  34. On the Werther Effect: A Reply to Krysinska and Lester
  35. On “Intention” in the Definition of Suicide
  36. Unacted Suicide: A Proposal
  37. Het overkomt ons niet: de suïcide van een cliënt
  38. A Reflection on “Suicide Survivor”
  39. What Helps and What Hinders the Process of Surviving the Suicide of Somebody Close?
  40. Networking to Support Suicide Survivors
  41. The Suicide Prevention Policy of a Mental Health Centre
  42. Suicide Bereavement Online
  43. Responsible Reporting of Suicide Interview
  44. Skilling Key Workers